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There's still one left

Started by kjohnson, December 05, 2006, 07:33:35 PM

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If you're not busy - there's one more image left in Beckys file (but its even worse than this one). Made some progress + an ear, now just need to fix the area to put it in. Where is the Missing Parts of the Photo filter in photoshop?


Quote from: kjohnson on December 05, 2006, 07:33:35 PM
If you're not busy - there's one more image left in Beckys file (but its even worse than this one). Made some progress + an ear, now just need to fix the area to put it in. Where is the Missing Parts of the Photo filter in photoshop?

Heh, you invent that filter and you'll be a rich, rich man  ;D

But why is the rum gone?


Keith and Kenny

You'll find the "missing parts" filter in the pull-down menu with the FWW key (fix whatever's wrong)!

Keith, you've got a wonderful start on this little guy, but boy, what a tough one.  Have you been able to pick up any detail with channels?

I'm afraid I'd be baffled.  Good luck!


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


It's now a tug of war.... I just put my name in the hat.  I've been beaten to the draw two times now... but that's all right because the work is getting done and families are getting their pictures back. 

Merry Christmas!!



Yep that's the red channel you're looking at, or was it green - I forgot. But there's a bit less damage in one of 'em.

As for the tug 'o war klassy, gee look what you're missing out on - HOURS of fiddling around with the FWW filter. Yea the upper part of the boys head cleaned up nicely, and copy & pasting & flipping an eyeball helped too. Not so sure about his shirt.  Pretty soon I may even have a place for an ear.


Getting a little better, he's even got a twinkle in his eye hoping that I can figure out how to restore the rest of him.


Good morning Keith

He's looking great.  I really like the way you're maintaining a realistic texture on his face.  One thing I'm noticing as you're progressing is that in working your way down the face, it appears that you're losing some of the shape of his mouth.  In the original, he has a wonderful impish grin, and I think it's getting lost as you restore.  The edges of his mouth are disappearing and the upper lip area appears distorted. 

You know what they say -- "Back away from the picture!"  I've found that if I constantly stay too close in to my work I have a tendency to lose important details, or conversely get stuck on details that aren't that important when looking at the full image.  Having a second window open with the full image visible helps keep everything in perspective.  (Another wonderful tip brought to you and me by, I believe, Christine.)

Have a wonderful and productive day!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Thanks for your observations. Yes, I noticed the same thing, as I began working thru the toughest portions of the garbled  image - I'm turning his smiley face into mush. If I could at least fix his face all the way down his chinny-chin I'd be very pleased & willing to stop, and crop. Or vignette. And call it a day.


You're doing great, and good on you for tackling a hard one!  Maybe you need to take a step back for a bit.  The hair and forehead are very well restored.

Maybe you've brought the whites of his eyes out much more than is in the original, although with such a small copy to look at it's hard to tell - the original seems to have his eyes pretty much in shade which will help you worry less about detail.

Maybe you'll have to crop at the chin as you say, its hard to tell the position of the boys arms and hands.

Keep at it.



He could be leaning on a table, with his hands,arms flat on the table top.............OUT OF FRAME? Or maybe his chin is resting on his left hand?
Photoshop 2021, MacPro


Hi there!

Nice work cleaning this photo up!  It looks to me like the boy's right eye (on our left) wasn't too badly damaged in the original.  It just needs a little cleaning, I think.  You copied the boy's left eye and mirrored it for the right eye, which is making him look a little cross-eyed.  I would suggest going back to his original right eye and just touching it up a little.  I would second the previous comments about putting back the boy's smile lines, and also his nose seems to have lost some of it's shading as well.



Yes I did make some progress on the easiest parts, but having probs with other areas. I'll probably toss it back in the pile. I did take take a look in all the channels, but CMYK or LAB didn't seem to offer any more useful info than RGB. But its always interesting to explore other areas of Photoshop.