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Photoshop CS3 & jpg files

Started by Sharon, October 08, 2007, 03:06:11 PM

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Hello everyone:

I am hoping some one will be able to tell me why photoshop cs3 will NOT open my jpg files without first opening them in Camera Raw (ver. 4.2).

I thought only pictures taken in Raw had to be opened in the Camera Raw program.

Your help is appreciated.



Hi Sharon!

If I remember well there is a setting in the menu File Handling and there you have to uncheck "prefer Adobe Camera RAW for JPEG files", than your JPEG files should open as JPEG and not RAW.
I have a friend that has CS3 installed, do not yet have it myself so I can't give you the exact menu paths.
The nice thing about CS3 is that you can handle JPEG in RAW format and all editing done that way will be made nondestructively.
Hope this will help you out anyways!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Sharon,

If Hannie's suggestion doesn't work, post something here, and I'll check with a friend of mine who is ACE certified in Photoshop.  He would certainly know!




I discovered that I can open jpg's in Photoshop (ctrl+o).  It's Bridge that will not open the jpg files directly into Photoshop without first opening them in the Camera Raw program.

I did as Hannie suggested to do in Photoshop in the Abridge program, but it did not work.

Your help is appreciated.



I'll see what I can do.  I'm writing myself a sticky note, as I know that Joe is at a conference all week.  I'm sure he'll be checking emails though.  We'll figure it out!!




I was able to have a look at my friends computer and CS3 today and found the following.
You have to go into your Photoshop Preferences and, in File Handling, uncheck "Prefer Photoshop Camera Raw for JPEG Files" or, in Bridge's Preferences, to go to Thumbnails and uncheck "Prefer Photoshop Camera Raw for JPEG and TIFF files
If both are unchecked and you click on a file in Bridge, in the Finder, or from Photoshop's Open dialog, you will have your JPEG files not open first in ACR.
If that still won't do it you may need to delete the cache for your folder of JPEG images in Bridge.  It may be that the cache is set to open up the files in ACR first and then unchecking preferences won't make a difference.
To delete the cache:  Tools -> Cache -> Purge Cache for Folder "(name of folder)"

All this RAW, ACR preference stuff can get quite tricky in CS3 it seems!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]



Thank you so much for your help.  I can now open jpg files from Abridge into Photoshop without first going to the Camera Raw program.
