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Red Eye, remove or not?

Started by WillS, August 07, 2007, 05:35:32 AM

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Hello All,

I have searched through all of the posts and have not seen this question before.
I am working on my first photo and feel somewhat confident that it is ready to upload.
I have two subjects in this photo that both have "red eye" from a flash.
I understand that we are restoring images for people to preserve their memories,
but every part of me wants to fix that red eye. So what is the consensus or mandate on this?

This was a fairly easy photo to enhance and I did not have to restore any part of their faces or bodies.
Also 100% confident (because I did it already on another copy) of completely natural looking eye.

Should I upload both, or is that not a good idea?

Thanks, Will
CS2 - IrfanView


Hi Will,

Welcome to the forum!
About the red eyes, I feel you can heap them together with e.g. tone and contrast, nobody thinks twice about improving those.
There are some wonderful and helpful people on this forum, it is still a little early but I'm sure there will be more reactions to your question later today!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Will,

I think you should upload both versions.



Greetings, Will

Welcome to the forum!  I'd say get rid of the red eye.  It's a small enhancement that I don't think will do anything but improve the image without doing anything drastic.

Good to have you with us.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)

Tess (Tassie D)

Welcome Will. I agree with the others about the red eye. It's only fixing the natural colour?

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Wow, what great feedback. Thank you all so much.

Like I said this was a photo with little distress, and after reading your comments it was clear that the Red Eye had to go.

Thanks again,

CS2 - IrfanView


Photoshop 2021, MacPro


Good morning Will

I guarantee the owners will be grateful that you made the kids' eyes look natural.

You are worthy for the simple reason that you're willing to give yourself to this project.  We're all at different levels of expertise -- I'm self-taught, too.  No art background, only having done a few family restorations.  I'm a graphic designer so I'm relatively comfortable with Photoshop, but I had no idea what I DIDN'T know until I started working on the restorations for OPR.

Just know that many of the volunteers are aces at looking over others' restorations-in-progres and giving feedback that will get you through rough spots without making you feel inadequate.  For a group of people who are spread all over the world, this is a pretty tight group.  Helping and encouraging each other gets us further along faster, and gives us some great friends in the process.

Have a wonderful day!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Much better.  Thanks Will!




In cases like this photo I have removed the "red eye", I figure these are probably the only photos they have left and if a poor original can be improved I'm sure they would welcome it, then again I'm probably wrong.

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!


Red eye removal would be something that most people would want "poofed".  No matter who made the picture it's not attractive.  Looks so much better gone.  Good work Max!  You've come so far from your first works.  I just love it!


I agree with Candice.  Red eye is something no one wants in a photo.  Even today's newer digital cameras have red-eye removal tools.  While we want to maintain the integrity of the original photo, I think removing the red eye can only enhance the photo.  It's not like we're creating something that isn't there.  It's just a small improvement to the overall photo.
