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Second try

Started by LSC, July 26, 2007, 08:16:55 PM

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See below for a new set of pix -Lee

Tess (Tassie D)

Yow, not much there to work on, it's coming along great. I think the mouth is spot on, the eyes could do to be a bit bigger to each side, the right one seems too far away from the nose.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Lee

I wanted to offer my observations, even though I couldn't pull up an image that's much clearer than your original to post for you.  I realize it's the damage, but the original almost looks like a sketch, and I think rather than fill in so much detail that you can't really see, i.e. his ears, etc., I'd keep more the look of the original and fill in the blanks as best I could with what can actually be seen.  One thing I noticed immediately is that your restoration shows a much more square jaw than he appears to have in the original. I also noticed that after I did my multiple, mostly useless tweaks, when I backed way off and studied him, his features became more obvious.  Not a lot of help, I know, but for what it's worth...

Ctein's book on restoration has an interesting way to get rid of some of the dark globs, even the smaller ones, by using the magic wand to select them, separate them either onto a layer or into a channel -- I can't remember which -- and adjust their depth of color.  If I can unload some of this burnout, I'll see if I can find that part of his book.  Right now I need to get some shut-eye!

Good luck and G'night

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


I think it looks spectacular  but I do have a suggestion. I believe the line of his hat should be closer to his head with less hair and the brim slightly narrower. I tried to draw a line, this is from an somewhat educated guess on body proportions from years of looking at and drawing heads. Ruth


I am goiong to adjust the size of the right part of the hat according to rjacki observations. I have a picture of a very similar army air corps man - same standard photo- and the hat does show a lot of hair on the right but the back of the hat does not come down as far...the shadow on mine my have bled out from the damage-- thanks, Lee


Wow that is coming along nicely...I agree if you look at the ear you can see where the base of the hat comes to...

paintshop pro X1


Lee, this 2nd version is much improved, it's coming along nicely!


By klassylady25 at 2007-07-27

An example to go by.


Wow Candy, who is that gorgeous man? What a hunk! :loveit:


He's is handsome, but he's not family. He's amidst a very very large collection of military.  I truly enjoy working on the military men.  I have one now that is slow but sure.   Been fitting it in between moving.  Last week my Aunt passed away and Monday I drive to Dallas, meet my big brother and we will attend the service is Shreveport.  It's going to be a long week.  Then I'll come home to work on my solder and unpack.


Condolances Candy,drive safe and we'll see you soon,


Yes you look after yourself and don't take on too much...we will see you when you return!

paintshop pro X1