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Phantom elements

Started by LSC, July 16, 2007, 08:58:52 PM

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This is a photo in the middle of restoration...I am trying to figure out if the phantome facial elements (circled in red and blue) are from this photo or another that was possible stuck to it. The  red might be the face of someone leaning against the child. It looks to be inside a car to me. The blue elements looks like a mouth and teeth. Any thoughts? -Lee


Wow that's a doozey you have there!! I think the red is another face, the blue mouth could be the mouth to the face but has moved??... the other blue ...no idea!!

Good luck!

Be interesting to see what others see..

paintshop pro X1

Tess (Tassie D)

It looks like inside a car to me too. As for the phantom pieces is it possible there is a childs teddy or toy next to him/her? I can't make anything else out of it.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Lee

Welcome to OPR.

I loved this photo when I saw it in the gallery.  I've checked every method I know, and it appears to me that even if there is a face lurking in the damage, there isn't enough image for you to be able to restore it.  I don't see much anywhere behind the lighter areas.  This may be one that would be better off cropped.  The blessing is that the important parts of their faces are there.  I'd check with Chris or Paula, depending on the gallery from which this doozy came and see how they feel about judicious cropping.  In this case, I think it would enhance the photo.

Good luck!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Yea Lee!  You did it! ^-^