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ps bridge 2023

Started by kiska, February 23, 2023, 02:47:04 PM

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Anybody downloaded it? I don't like it.
Photoshop 2021, MacPro


I never found Bridge useful. Could you tell me what I've been missing?
Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6


Hmm ... I always use bridge.. never thought to do otherwise.. :)
never giving up......learning from others as I go...

Jo Ann Snover

I have Photoshop and Lightroom 2023 but don't use Bridge.  I use the Mac OS (Finder) to organize and view thumbnails; I add metadata (keywords, titles, descriptions, etc.) in Photoshop and process RAW files in Capture One Pro (or very occasionally Lightroom for older RAW files).

Here's a review/what to use it for article if that helps :)

Jo Ann


Thanks, Jo Ann. I use Lightroom as my browser as well so I never found Bridge with any additional values.
Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6