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Time lapse speed painting video in Photoshop

Started by cmpentecost, March 05, 2007, 10:34:25 AM

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This video is absolutely incredible.  I came across it in the NAPP forums.  It is 100% drawn/painted in Photoshop, and by the end, looks like a photograph.  If only I had a fraction of this talent.  Check it out!




Holy cow, Chris.  That was phenomenal.  If that's the kind of talent that's out there just playing around it makes me wonder if I should start practicing saying "Would you like fries with that burger, Sir?"

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Wow! I'll see your speed painting and raise you a painting done in MS PAINT  :D


I can't draw anything....except flies  :funny:

But why is the rum gone?


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Wow!  Both Christine & Kenny's links are amazing!  There's just so much talent out there...

Glenna--I'll help you out with those burger & fries once I'm done cleaning the rest rooms!
(aka RosyBijou)


Kenny and Christine,

WOW! What fun,I was mesmerized. I'm sending both pages to my Grandaughter who is an art major at college...Thanks you guys. BTW I'll never look as mspaint the same way...ever....