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Need help on best way to start on my first Photo for OPR

Started by Sharon, March 04, 2007, 09:11:05 PM

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Hello,  I finally get to start on my first photo.  I was wondering if I could get some tips on how best to fix the photo shown.

Also, when I open the file in Photoshop cs2 it shows it  72 dpi.  I thought this was considered low res. 

Any help is appreciated.



Hi Sharon

I suspect that your image is quite large at 72 dpi.  I think they're all distributed that way.  You can check off the resample button in image size and set your resolution at 300, which will probably give you the actual size of the photo (I'm guessing 5x7, which is part of the name of the image).

My suggestion to start would be to use a curves layer adjustment and set your white, midtone (neutral) and black points.  That should give you truer colors and a more crisp image.  I suspect that you're in for quite a bit of healing and cloning, because I see a lot of small spots throughout, and I don't know of any other way to eliminate them.  Keep posting as you progress, and you'll get plenty of help!

Good luck!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)



Thanks for your help.  I'll give it a try and keep you posted.   :)


Link to the FAQ first... don't worry about/change DPI here basically.
Rule of thumb = digital images and desktop displays are measured in pixels, prints are measured in inches.

On your screen, all you need to be concerned with is the number of pixels.  For instance, let's say I have an image that is (width x height) 3000x2400 pixels.  Multiply that and you get 7,200,200 pixels or roughly 7.2 megapixels.  Let's say it's 3000x2400 and 72 DPI (or PPI if you want to be more correct).  3000 / 72 = 41.6666.  That means at 72 PPI/DPI it would be 41.6 inches wide.  Similarly, 3000 / 300 = 10 inches wide.  Whether the file is 300 or 72 DPI/PPI it's still 3000x2400 pixels.
DPI and PPI have 2 things in common - "PER INCH" and we only measure prints in inches.  PPI and DPI are really meaningless when it comes to what's on your monitor... it's all about pixel count and the more pixels the better usually.  640x480, 800x600, 1600x1200, those are the kind of numbers that matter on a monitor, they are measurements in pixels and the letter 'p' is maybe never noted/added when they are used - as opposed to dealing with physical objects measured in inches or centimeters, you better darn well note/add the 'in' or 'cm' to your numbers in those cases!!!  DPI/PPI is more important if you are working with something that you are going to print yourself.  If someone else is going to print it, just give them the biggest file (or the original size) you have unless they specify something different.

D = dots and P = pixels. 
Pixels in PPI are part of the electronic imaging device that you are using to capture an image like a scanner, and the PPI setting refers to what will be output when you scan... scan an 8x10 @ 300 PPI and you get a file that is 2400x3000 pixels - it's simple math.
Dots in DPI refers (more or less) to the drops of ink put onto paper by a printer.  I don't care how poorly labelled some programs and books (I aint even gonna talk about websites) can be regarding DPI/PPI that's just the way it is.  :knuppel:
More info and maybe better explained at these links:
i have an unhealthy internet obsession & hide behind multiple layers of ironic humor and sarcasm...



Re: DPI it can help to convert to 300 dpi to work on the image, it makes no difference to the image as dpi is related to printing, however if you convert to 300 dpi for working when you hit the print size button it then displays the image at its printed size and makes it handy to check your work at printed size.

You can convert back to 72 dpi if you wish before uploading, but OPR accept either 72 or 300 dpi.

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!