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Thank You from Baton Rouge

Started by Mike S., January 04, 2018, 10:13:04 AM

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Mike S.

We received this email from Evelyn Edwards after she received her restored photos from the Baton Rouge Copy Run.  She was thanking everyone involved.


Mr. and Mrs. Sluder, on today I received my restored former water-damaged pictures and could hardly contain myself as I gently pried open the package within a package within a package.  I can't adequately describe my joy upon removing picture after picture - to discover not only a work of art, but one of genuine love as demonstrated by the obvious amount of work that went into each.  Truly this professional restoration is a testament of your spirit of  giving.  From all indications each job received your individual attention to detail.  As well, thank you  for the 8 x 10 in addition to the ordered 5 x 7.  Each compliments the other.  Rest assured I intend to share the source of my prized package as God continues to bless you and your ministry.
Mike S.


Thank you for sharing that touching note Mike.


My goodness, if there was ever any doubt in any of the volunteers' minds that all their hard work restoring photos was truly appreciated this wonderful heartfelt thank you should put that to rest!  :loveit:

"Take a deep breath and think of the three things you are grateful for, right in this moment."  -MJ Ryan Author


Thank you for sharing this lovely note Mike.
What a great way to start the new year!
Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]




Thanks Mike for posting.  :loveit:  Those letters are the fuel that keeps us going.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


That's lovely.. thanks for sharing Mike.. :loveit:
never giving up......learning from others as I go...