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Margie's Gallery 3

Started by Beth, October 04, 2016, 01:34:37 PM

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I'm on to the next one.


Color correction, repairs made using Spot Healing, Healing, Patch, Content Aware Fill, and Clone Stamp.

Dodge and Burn on a new layer filled with 50% Gray and blending mode set to Soft Light.

Here's my Dodge & Burn layer.


Your work is so good Beth. Thanks for sharing!
Your D & B screenshot is especially helpful to me. What was your process for the color correction?
Look forward to your next posts.


I adjusted the color through Levels and adjusted Red Green and Blue separately.  Then I desaturated the photo.


Thanks Beth, like seeing your WIP and explanation. Give us the final.

Another way would have been to change it as a B/W (but still as an sRGB) and that would have allowed you to pick which of the channels you thoughts looked the best.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Made a couple more repairs, mostly in the background.  Here's the final.



Great job. I got your upload for this one,  but you may want to repair the damage at the very bottom and the white spots along the left hand edge. The background on the right is kind of distracting because at fist I thought I was looking at clone marks and I wasn't as those are in the original and I think damage where the ink ran.

This next thought I think is more of appeal in the eye of the beholder. I noticed that you have a layer set to Soft Light and then you Dodged and Burned. I have a separate layer set that way, but instead of using those tools, I paint on that layer and vary my brush opacity. I like how she looks, but I find her too dark, especially from her nose down.

Just for fun I did an auto curves and I did not adjust the R,B,G in Levels, because this photo was a B/W and the only reason it is showing sRGB is because that is how we shot it. It is discolored through age and water damage. After doing the Curves, I did a B/W and set it to the Green Filter.

I then did a Curves Adjustment with a medium contrast curve.

Then I toned her a little with Soft Light Layer, but used it more around her eyes.

And then a comparison between the two.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Hi Beth, thanks so much for posting your work and methods!
You Dodge and Burn layer looks good, very nice blur over the whites and blacks in that layer to even out the result.

When I downloaded your work I noticed that it was in Grayscale.  Even though you work in B/W it would be great if you could leave the mode in RGB.  The way to do this is as Margie mentioned earlier, a Channel Mixer layer set to Monochrome.

There is one thing I am wondering about, when I do Channel Mixer, Levels and Curves I get the same result as you do but I noticed your version has more noise than mine.  Did you use a filter?  (your version is on the right)


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]



I don't know why the one you downloaded is in Grayscale.  I just opened and checked it. Image/Mode says RGB Color.  I also double checked my working space. It's set to sRGB IEC61966-2.1.

I also don't know why mine has more noise. I didn't use any filters whatsoever on mine. I didn't use the channel mixer.  I used Image/Adjustments/Desaturate.  Maybe the Channel Mixer helped smooth it out?

So instead, I did a Surface Blur on a duplicate layer, then adjusted the opacity of that layer to reduce the noise.


I can't do the steps you suggest without starting all over. I will start all over it that's what you need me to do but I tried to approximate your results.  I used a new layer set to soft light and dodged her skin by painting on the layer with white.  I also cloned out the discolored background.

Because it's so hard to see the changes when scrolling up and down in the post, here's a side by side.  Before is on the left.

PS:  I think Save For Web and putting it on Photobucket may be introducing some artifacts.



No, do not start all over. I wonder if Hannie downloaded from PhotoBucket and it might have changed the color mode. What you uploaded to PhotoShelter is in the right sRGB mode. This second version looks great, so upload and I will put both in the family's folder and let QC pick.



P.S. Forgot to mention that the background looks great now too!
"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Beautiful restore Beth!

Yes, it is Photoshelter that changes a B/W image in RGB mode to Grayscale mode, didn't realize it works that way.


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Thank you both for the coaching. I think it looks much better now.


Beth, thanks for posting all of this!
And to all of you ... thank you. I am learning SOOO much.


Beth, I think your final is beautiful! I agree Lyn and this has been fun.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]