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Need a better blazer.

Started by seelcraft, February 26, 2013, 01:44:20 PM

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Can anyone help me fix this up?

Chemists have solutions!


Doug, could you post the reference photo too?


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Chemists have solutions!


Hi doug,

Kudos on the blazer repair, great job!

The girls face and hair have lost some of the original highlights and the color is a little too orange.
Using a levels correction in each channel does not work on this image so  I used a curves adjustment layer. Picked the pupil for the black point and the collar for the white.  Then I lowered the opacity of the adjustment layer so the image is not too blown out.

The background I did not replace, that hardly ever looks good so I rather repair what is there so she doesn't look like a cutout.


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hannie, I like your work on the face and hair. I was told that the highlights in her hair were actually mold, so I took them out. But I think I'll put some of them back.
Thanks for your help.
Chemists have solutions!


Doug, when I told you had mold in her hair I was not refereeing to the highlights. When I see little round white spots that was mold---highlights are going to look different. I went back again and looked at the original and the main problem is that you are seeing the pattern of the paper. We have some tutorials on working with that, but not sure it will work with PS Elements. You may have to wing the highlights.

I agree great job, much improved from first effort on blazer. I would tweak a little the shadows between her arms so that it doesn't look like part of the blazer. Also, agree with Hannie on skin color. You can see on the original how much darker it is.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Margie, yes, the elbow shadows are messed up! I looked again at the original, and most of the shadow was actually dirt! So I repainted both elbows. Just about ready to post (3rd try).
Chemists have solutions!


Chemists have solutions!


Doug, much better and you did a great job on a hard restore and having to recreate the missing parts.  :up:

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Today I learned that you only get orange skin highlights when you use copper powder as pancake makeup.  ^-^
Chemists have solutions!


Great job. I think the dart on the left side of blazer probably goes down much further--maybe all the way down. Most women's/girls blazers are fitted with darts. You can't really tell on the right side because the pocket covers it.