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First pic--is it ready?

Started by ohfer, October 18, 2011, 12:27:40 PM

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I think it's ready, but I've been looking at it for so long, and there's so much going on in it, that I want to make sure there's not something I'm missing. Criticism welcome!

One thing--this does look a little different than my working version. The guy to the right of the lady in the brocade suit, his pants look kind of blotchy in this. They aren't in my version. Same with the guy at the far left.


This looks good to me.  The colors are nicely evened out.  The only questionable area I see is on the pant leg (white pants)  and hip (pocket area)of the gentleman on my right of photo.  It's hard to tell if they are spots or  rivets.  The pants don't look like cargo pants, more like dress pants, so I think they may be spots. 

Good job!
If it's artsy or Photoshop, I'll give it a try!
aka Betty

Mike S.

Hello ohfer,

Looks very good.  The two spots are buttons/rivets on the gentleman's cargo like pants.    There are two little white spots that show up at print size near the woman on the left side of the photo.  One above to the right of her right shoulder looks like it is coming out of the back of the head of the baby there.  The other one is above her left shoulder and is a similar situation.  You can hardly see them on the posted picture but they do show up at print size.

Hope this helps.

Mike S.


I just looked at the original and the white pants are, indeed, cargo pants. With a lot of detail and very little damage. Great job on your first restore, Lynette!



Thanks, everyone!

Mike, the white spots are actually in the pic. The one to the lady's left looks like someone on the other side of her is wearing a beret with a pin in it, and the one off her right shoulder is a barrette in the baby's hair. I thought they looked a bit odd myself (and you can only tell what they are at high magnification).  Would it be better if I took them out?

Mike S.


If they are part of the picture, definitely leave them in.

Thank you,

Mike S.


I'm curious, How are you able to view these at print size??  I tried clicking on the photo, and just got the same thing in a seperate window.
If it's artsy or Photoshop, I'll give it a try!
aka Betty

Mike S.

Good morning ohfer,

My wife and I took the original picture, so I looked at the original which is also how I knew about the cargo pants.  It would have been just as easy to copy the image from the OPR website and viewed it in Photoshop at print size.  I should add that the actual print size is part of the name of the picture so using Photoshop you can re-size the screen picture if necessary to the actual size.

Mike S.