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Resolution changes mysteriously

Started by Grafixman, February 10, 2011, 09:29:04 AM

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Hello, all.

I just finished work on a photo and uploaded it, but was then told that the resolution had changed.  I don't know what I did to change it.

I did not crop anything.  I simply did a levels adjustment, and a lot of cloning and healing brush work.  I copied a part of the photo and put it in a new layer to work on it, and then merged the layers.

Any ideas how the resolution on the finished photo could have changed?


Hi Grafixman,

When you open your downloaded photo, do you open it in PhotoShop (or other software) and not through PhotoShop Raw as the default there is 200 dpi? The first time you open your photo, go up to Image>Image Size and see what the dimensions are for you photo. What is the extension name on your photo? I will check it against what it is showing in our Archive. Once in awhile we will have photos that get uploaded with the wrong dimension.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


I do not use photoshop raw.  I open everything in photoshop.

The dimensions of the file are:

Pixel dimensions: 1350 x 1050

Document size:1.511 in x  1.176 in

Resolution: 351.666 ppi

the file extension of the original is JPG


Hi Grafixman,

Thanks for posting your question on the forum. 
When you first download the original photo should be 4,5 x 3,5 by 300 pixels/inch. 
That may mean something has gone wrong already, do you download "original file" in Photoshelter?

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


yes.  Once the photo is available for me to download, I just download it.  There are no settings to change.


I just changed a setting in your gallery and sent you another Invite email.  Perhaps this will make a difference?

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


OK, I downloaded it.  When I did, it asked me which version to download.  I took the original file (1350x1050).  Is that right?  I also opened it in photoshop, and the resolution is at 300 .  I think this one should be OK.

I'll double check the resolution after I save the final version.


That's great news, I think it worked!

Thanks for your patience,

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]