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Wedding Exit

Started by oehlers, July 10, 2009, 01:54:10 AM

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Posted this in the Easy forum too, not sure what etiquette is about where I should post? Need some input please... Been looking at it too long, and not thrilled with my end result.  :mad:

Can someone please push me in the right direction? My second photo...



OK, reworked this photo. Took a picture of a field of grass and used that to replaced the damaged grass. What do you think now?

Would like to send it back, but would like his jacket to look better - lost all detail, and yes the plants could use some help. Suggestions?


Hi Susan,

It is a bit difficult to give you useful comment on such a small image. Photobucket will host images up to 1MB and even compress larger images if necessary, you can see the options just below the "Choose Files" button .

Most of the 4x6 repairs I have seen can be saved with jpeg compression of 10 or even 9 to get the image size to less than 1MB. Perhaps try loading the original and your repair as two seperate images with that sort of resolution will help.

AFIK when displayed in the forum you are seeing large thumbnails, double clicking on them will open the image at the resolution they are in Photobucket which should allow for some useful feedback

Of course I am presuming you have a reasonably fast internet connection
