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Question for TerryB

Started by Marydh, April 26, 2009, 10:14:47 AM

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Hi TerryB,
I saw a post from you on 4/3 showing what I believe is a picture from the
Phillips family.  I could really use the face from the tall girl in the picture.

I'm sure she's the one in my picture but her face is pretty obliterated.
Do you know how I could download your picture?


My picture is shown below:



The best way to get the picture that you're looking for is to contact the distribution coordinator that you have been working with. Refer that person to this post and they can most likely find the picture for you.

Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]



Dave is right that your best bet is your distribution coordinator, since she will have access to all the photos for that family. This is not from my gallery, but I do remember a similar shot of the lady and the head position is almost identical. I have downloaded that photo to you for reference. On both the photo that I have downloaded to you and this particular photo, try looking clicking on the blue channel in Photoshop (if that is what your are using). You will see more detail. You really don't need much information for the face, because her bangs are covering up her eyes. By looking in the blue channel will give you more information on her nose and you should have enough on her face to finish restoring.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Hi Mary, the one Margie downloaded to you is the closest angle wise for the lady's face. As most of it is covered by hair there's not much you need to reconstruct.

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Mary:

Sorry for the delay in responding; I assume Margie and Tess provided the reference you were looking for.

If you need anything else from my work files that I can help you with on this young lady, let me know.

Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.


Thanks to all of you.  What a relief to
get that picture.