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Stop and Smell the Roses

Started by JohnnyE, January 09, 2009, 02:35:45 AM

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Hello, all.

I'm working on a particularly feisty image right now. I've counted at least half a dozen unique types of damage that permeate the whole picture including scratches and bubbles and worms and some beyond description. This clip below is a small area, upsized by about 200%. Can you see the man's profile in this crop? Me, neither, but he's there somewhere.

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
But while trying to coax some clairvoyance by staring at it for hours, I found the patterns and colors of the damage produced to be quite beautiful.

Sometimes, ya gotta just stop and smell the roses, huh? ;)   

Tess (Tassie D)

You picked a doozey John. Yes I can see the profile of the man, eyes, nose, mouth etc but then again the abstract pattern in my curtains has skulls in it.  :D
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


As long as you're not starting to see dancing fairies you're fine!  (sorry Irene)

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


What !!!.......      you mean you can't see them :D :D :D :


(Don't worry, they're coming yo take me away soon....).


I see a profile, but can also turn it into a larger 3/4 face view if I stare long enough. No fairies though. When I first saw the crop I thought it was the whole photo, and that you were completely out of your mind!  :crazy:

I trust that, in the end, you're going to show us where that putative profile really is.