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Bad hair day?

Started by TerryB, October 16, 2008, 08:14:29 AM

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Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.


HI TerryB,

Thanks for this great link, I'm going to try those hair brushes but there were lots of other very interesting brushes also.  I'm crazy for brushes so I really appreciate this info.

Also, welcome to OPR.........................Mary


Terry, I'll add my thanks to Mary's.  It'll be fun playing around with all those brushes.  Welcome to OPR land.


BTW, I love your quote.
What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Thank you for the welcome, ladies.
It's a pleasure and an enjoyable learning experience to be here.
Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.


Thanks for the great resource, I added it to my favs and will go through them very soon.
And yes, welcome to OPR, have fun staring at what might be hidden behind the muck.
The only way to get better is to figure out what I did wrong.


Hi Guys,

I downloaded those hair brushes yesterday and played with them for about 5 minutes before I deleted both sets.  If anyone of you has any luck with these, can you please post as to how you use them or even plan to use them for our pruposes?

Terry have you used these brushes for restoration purposes and if so how?

Thanks a bunch............Mary


Hi Mary:

Sorry for the delay in responding.

The hair brushes under discussion do a good job with restoring the subtleties in hair texture and hair ends when the ends/curls/flips are lost in a background or clothing.

They don't work well without modification of some sort: use as clone stamp with low Opacity and Flow; as a standard Brush with a bit of fiddling around with Color; Brush Tip Dynamics, Scattering, Texture and Noise.

I've made a few custom brushes from some of them by making a new file: one click with solid black, 100% Opacity & Flow, selecting just a section and then Define Brush Preset under the Edit Menu.

I agree they're useless as is, but with a little fooling around with the settings and a little experimentation, they've bailed me out of many perplexing situations.

Hope this helps, let me know.
Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.


Hi Terry

Thanks for the great explanation it sounds like you've had really good results with the brushes.  I'm definitely looking into making some of my own brushes.  Your reply does help.
