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Do's and dont's. Please print this out as a reference guide.

Started by Tess (Tassie D), October 06, 2008, 09:25:16 PM

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Tess (Tassie D)

Do's and dont's.         Please print this out as a reference guide.
Do follow all instructions when first activating your account.
Do read the OPR handbook which explains downloading, uploading and do's and don't on images. Handbook

Do choose 2-3 images in case some are already chosen by other volunteers.
Don't choose 1 image from 1 gallery and your second/third from other galleries. Try to stay in 1 gallery at a time.

Do check back the next day if you haven't received any images. Your choices may have been taken.
Don't put your choices in your lightbox. We cannot see your comments if they are in there. 
Do put the gallery name in the upload description box. eg Margie and the surname of the photo. Your name is automatically added so we know who the image has come from.
Do check your email. You will receive an upload received email within a few days confirming we have received your photo. If you do not get an email, drop your gallery manager a line asking if it was received.

Don't contact Photoshelter if you have any questions, instead contact OPR or post your question on the OPR forum.
Do save the original to your hard drive and make a copy of it. That way if you need the original it will be there without you having to download it again.
Do keep the resolution at 300dpi. This is optimal for printing.

Don't overuse different filters and noise reduction software as this gives an unnatural appearance to the image. 

Do remove the exif data on photos you will post on forums for help. This data is private.
Don't remove the exif data from your restoration upload.
Do ask for help on the forum if you are having difficulties with an image. You will get some great tips to help you along.
Don't be afraid to ask to return an image if it is too hard. Many look good small but are a mess up close. We have all returned images.
Don't change the name or extension of the image. The extension should be .jpg. You may add done or restored to the end of the name but we need all the original name intact for reference to size etc.
Don't resize your photos. They are set according to the image name and can create confusion when we look at the actual dimensions.
Don't change the background unless it is completely destroyed. Most times there is enough background visible to recreate it in keeping with the photo.

Don't add a vignette to a photo if it doesn't have one. In special circumstances your distributor may agree to allow a vignette.
Don't remove old frames on photos unless there are instructions to remove it. Many old photos are in frames that would be impossible to replicate these days and the owners would like to see the original, even in photo form.
Do check your file size before you upload. The files tend to grow as we work on them. Photoshop users should save flattened at level 10 or higher. Paintshop Pro users should save by optimising at about 10%.
Don't take offence if a distributor asks you to do a bit more on a photo you have uploaded. Our Quality Control is strict on what is acceptable. Any comments made will only help the appearance of the image and they are in no way meant to say you did a bad job.

Don't sharpen the photo in any way.

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Tass, you are a big sweet heart! Thank you for taking such good care of us newbies. :loveit: :hug:

Tess (Tassie D)

You're welcome Mitzs. Just thought it would be easier to have all the rules in short form for people to read. Us oldies forget sometimes too. :)
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Is the link to the handbook broken? I'm trying to download it and get a 404 error.


I'm on a mac with Firefox. It did fine with me. Try a different browser, maybe.
Photoshop 2021, MacPro


The link won't work for me on 2 different browsers. But I was able to download it from the opr site.


Hi Jon,

It won't work for me if I take the link that TassieD provided on the "Do's and Don't's" and I think that is because after I made some updates on the Official OPR Handbook; John removed the old one and replaced it with the revised handbook. Lately there have been a lot of changes going on at Photoshelter and hopefully we have caught all of them. I have also changed the welcome letter that goes out to all the new volunteers and apologize for the confusion that was caused by not changing it sooner. They say change is good, but from the distributors standpoint it is a pain!  :mad:

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]



I'm new, and these dos and don'ts indicate the answer to one of my immediate questions after browsing around a bit.

I went to look at the handbook, and I can't get it to load.  In two different browsers it whirls away and says there is a problem with adobe reader, to close it if it is open (it is not), etc.  Is this handbook stored somewhere that it can just be downloaded without being embedded on a web page -- that might help.

The specific question I had was concerned with enhancing photos.  There is a photo of putting on makeup that I saw and over the top of one woman must have been a shelf with a plant on it.  The overall effect is that the plant is growing out of the woman's head.  On one of my own photos I would remove such a distraction -- is that a "don't"?  I gather yes, as it is part of the background, but the picture would sure be nicer without the plant, IMO.




Welcome. We do not retouch, we restore to the original image. However, you could do two versions; one with and one without the plant.
Photoshop 2021, MacPro

Tess (Tassie D)

Hi Judy and welcome. You can right click the handbook picture on the left here or the link in the list and choose 'save target as' to download without opening.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Thanks Tess, that worked like a champ.  Why do I always forget that pesky right click?



This was extremely helpful.  thank you so much.  :loveit:
~ Sandi :)




Just wanted to make sure, can I save the restored photo at the highest quality 12, which will put the photo just over 1MB?  I see a ref to quality 10 so wanted to find out if there is a size restriction (in MB's) for uploading? 
