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We didn't get blown out to sea.

Started by Tess (Tassie D), April 02, 2008, 08:31:26 PM

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Tess (Tassie D)

Well we survived the hurricane winds that hit the entire south east of Australia yesterday and last night.
Gusts of up to 80mph went through about 3am this morning but no damage here at home. Hubby is in Hobart where the caravan park office and dining/recreation area lost its entire roof. He said it sounded like a freight train coming and then there was the sound of tearing metal.
The van was lifting about 6 inches off the ground at the height of the wind but the area he is in is quite sheltered so no damage. He couldn't sleep with all that noise though. Mum and Dad are also in Hobart at a hotel and the wind kept them awake as well.
The only thing I had to do was go outside about 5pm and re-stake the gazebo over the outdoor table down. Otherwise it would have been blown out to sea.


Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


So glad to hear you escaped any damage Tess. High winds can be really terrifying


Tess, glad you and hubby came out OK. Sounds like hubby got a close call. I tried your two links, but they have been pulled?

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Hi Tess, I'm so glad that your family got through the rough patch of bad weather yesterday. I hope the worse is over.



Hi Tess

I had no idea you were having such terrifying weather.  Thank goodness the guardian angels are on patrol.  I'm glad you and your family are okay!


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Hi Tess,

Glad you weathered the storm OK, have just come online and was going to post to see if you were alright, then I wasn't sure what you new address in New Zealand may be. :funny:

Not funny all the same, it seems to have left a trail of destruction across the southern states, and several lives lost in Victoria, its certainly becoming hard for the Climate Change dis-claimers with the way the weather has been performing around the globe. I know I am convinced.

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!

Tess (Tassie D)

Thanks everyone. Fixed the links so they should be ok now. Poor Victoria is expecting hailstorms this afternoon so there will be even more damage over there.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Tess,

Thanks for sharing this.  I don't always know what happens on the opposite side of the world, but from the photos, it looks like quite the nasty storm!  Stay safe, and keep the computer unplugged!



Looks a bit like Oklahoma. Had two hurricanes take out houses 2 miles from daughter.  No loss of life.
We all love spring but some of us respect it more.  Glad you're safe and sound.

Mother nature is a great reminder of how powerless we are. 



That was quite a storm Tess, so glad you and your family are OK!  Can't remember any bad storm while I lived there, very unusual.  I hope the poor people from Victoria will come through the hail storm without too much damage.
Thank you for the links, they work fine now.

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]