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Just curiosity.

Started by truckersau, November 19, 2007, 09:23:09 PM

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I'm a rather curious person at the best of times,  ::)but now with the internet/furums and being able to talk to people all round the world like here.
I often wonder what other people do for a living, when their not restoring photos.
Me, I'm retired. I do nothing except look after the two youngest grandkids before & after school on weekdays. Take them to soccer, netball, baseball & little athletics, while their mum works.
Apart from that I just potter in my very little garden (when health allows me), I live in a semi nursing home so the main garden gets looked after by gardeners.
So what do our other OPR members do?


I am actually a pediatric physical therapist--that's why you will NEVER see a restoration I have worked on--I have no clue how to do them. I work for a local school system with students from 2 to 22 years of age. We also have a 3 year old little boy that keeps us on our toes and we are expecting another little boy in January. When OPR started, I just had to help out. I thought the business angle would be easier for me to learn than how to do restorations--I was right. The magic you guys do is not something I will be able to learn anytime soon--I'll stick with balancing the check book. :)
Angela Ellis
Operation Photo Rescue, Inc.
[email protected]
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Um, where to start. Mother of  2 daughters, 21 & 11. Secretary, accounts manager and trades assistant (fancy words for gopher) with hubby's business we run from home. Certificate 4 in workplace training & assessment. I also do some work modifying webpages, fixing computers and cleaning spyware off them. Oh and I repair photos in my spare time.  :funny:  :crazy:
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Ray I work at a gas station full time and do some photography when I can.
I'm looking forward to being able to retire from Caltex and do photography full time.
To that end,I am using my wage to buy all the equipment I will need.
Photo rescue is a side-line I have found I really love, so hopefully I can do some restoration work for
paying customers one day.


Hi Ray,

I too am retired, we live on 5 acres and we mow about 3.5 - 4 acres of it, so when we have rain that can keep me pretty busy. We also try and grow a few veggies and run half a dozen chooks.

We do volunteer work at our local primary school and are members of the P&C, so that uses up a bit of the spare time, plus where we live it is DIY territory, if you need something done you do it yourself, costs too much to get a tradesman to travel out even if they would consider doing it, so we have to be pretty self sufficient.

That said it still leaves a good patch of time to restore photos, a good excuse to stay in out of the heat, well thats my story and I'm stickin to it!

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!


"Chooks"????? (chickens??)
Photoshop 2021, MacPro


You got it!  We'll soon have you all speaking Aussie. :up:

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!


Hi Ray,

Nice topic you started!  It's great to read what interests people and what they do in the course of day. .
I'm a mother of 3 daughters, 26, 32 and 33 years old and grandmother of 2 boys and a girl (4, 6, 7),
Highschool math teacher, the pupils ages are from 12 to 18.  It is a demanding job and the hours are long and many. 
Last year one of my daughters asked me to digitize some photos for for a project she was doing.  They were old and damaged photos so I decided to see if I could clean them up a little.  She then suggested that I might get into photo restoring a little more and I did.  I tried some tutorials on the net  and that's how I found the OPR video on Youtube.  I immediately loved the idea of restoring photos for flood victims.  (The struggle with water levels is always an interesting topic for the Dutch  )
This forum is a great place with really nice people.

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


I'm a photo editor for a daily newspaper called The Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg, VA (just south of Washington DC). For those of you who aren't as familiar with OPR history, The Free Lance-Star was integral to getting this operation up and running.

Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]


I am also a mother of to grownup children ( daughter, 33, married, 2 girls ages 6 and 7; son, 29, single). I work as a research scientist at a biotech company, which is part of a big pharmaceutical company.I found a link to this site on the Adobe photoshop elements user site.
I also liked the idea to restore photos for flood victims. Although I did not have much skills or experience to restore photos, I dove right in and learned on the way a couple of tricks to get the job done. Now I am really addicted to restoration. I am not a lot here at the forum right now, except for reading. But I am working on a picture and I will be back for feedback when I am done with it.
It is slow going right now because of the holidays approaching and we will be going away on a cruise for 5 days. Afterward, we will have my parents visiting for a month from Germany ( haven't seen them in 6 years!), but I will try to plug away on more restorations during that time.

Gerlinde  :loveit:
PS CS5, PSE9, XP, Windows 7 -64bit


I was in the insurance and finance industry for about 12 or so years, primarily working as an insurance adjuster.  I never really enjoyed what I did for a living, and as a birthday gift to myself in 2000, I quit!  I've since been greatly involved in volunteering, first with the Ronald McDonald House, and now with OPR.  My life is now much happier and complete, as I'm doing what I love - volunteering and contributing to a great cause. 



Hi Ray

Good question! A few of us oldsters in OPR got to know a little about each other at the get-go, but we have so many wonderful "newbies" that it's a good idea to catch up!

I'm a graphic designer for a publisher of tourist guide-maps in central and southwest Florida.  My work mostly consists of designing ads and covers, as well as coordinating between the art department and the area managers of the publications for which I'm lead artist.  I've done some web work and in fact designed a good portion of the web site for our Southwest Florida publication.  Over my 500 years in the trade I've been a production manager, typographer, designer, art director and doer of anything that's on the table when everyone else has said "no way am I doing that!" (as in designing a set of fonts for our publications when the rest of the crew stonewalled the job.  I have sticky notes that say "stupid is when your mind says 'no way' and your big mouth says 'no problem'."  That would be me!)

I'm a rescuer of cats (I have 12 of my own, but have fostered about 70).  Truth be told, I'm a cat freak.  Hubby swears that if I found a large chunk of cow dung in the shape of a cat, I'd have to have it.  I confess -- it's true!

Back when I had a life, I was a horticultural hobbyist.  I love growing, propagating and tending to plants, especially since we can grow exotic flora all year.  That's rather fallen by the wayside, since I'm so involved with photo restoration.  There ARE a few nondescript dessicated morsels still out back, but I'm ashamed to admit how pitiful they are.

I'm a compulsive reader and (go figure) love to write.

Right now I'm in the middle of my annual Thanksgiving grandkid fest.  Hubby and I have the week off. The weather is gorgeous, so the youngsters have spent a lot of time at the park, the skateboard park and in the yard playing soccer and football.  Grandma even got up the gumption and go out and throw the frisbee a couple of times.  (Last year I played soccer, fell, and the eldest grandchild put me on restriction and wouldn't let me play anymore.)  Tomorrow we're going to make kitty litter cake to take to my daughter's for Thanksgiving dessert (guaranteed no one will touch it.  The last one I made was so realistic that even though it was very tasty I had to throw most of it away.  Quote: Ewwwww!  That's gross!  But it's lots of fun to make, and sculpting tootsie rolls (use your imagination) is a hoot!

Two of the five are going shooting at the range with Pop-pop, and the rest of us are squabbling, wrestling, watching movies and just enjoying being together.

Speaking of which, I have to run.  I've been invited to join the crew to watch another DVD.

In case I don't get back on the forum before then, I hope everyone has a glorious Thanksgiving and takes time to remember how lucky we are, wherever we are, and whatever we are dealing with.  Life can be so good!  We just have to make it so.

I love you all!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


I was in aerospace for about 20 years, starting at the bottom on the assembly line and working up to upholstery, technical writing, weight/balance engineering and spares customer support. Parts of that time were enjoyable, especially the five years that I got to travel. In the end I got tired of being another casualty of lay offs and having work that I once done, outsourced.

After the last layoff, I was offered the chance to go back to school and get some additional training. Under the Displaced Worker's program, I enrolled in a graphics art program.  Because of that training, I now enjoy freelancing and the chance to be a part of OPR. (My husband's take on this would be that I am retired with no intention of working.)

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


I'm a homemaker by choice, though I have worked outside of the home off and on.  I just left a 2 1/2 year job as head of housecleaning at a salon in Edmond.   Now, I work at home and never run out of things to do.   


My last employment was a finance and insurance assistant at a car dealership. I've also been a traditional retoucher, negative and print. I'm a 'widderwoman' with two grown children; daughter is a graphic desighner, son a photographer. I volunteer at a wild animal rescue zoo and other places. I have three dogs, the HANNAH being the queen.
Photoshop 2021, MacPro