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Go Navy!

Started by Candice, December 03, 2015, 08:46:43 PM

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I just did an overlay of BA's work over the original and tweaked it a little more by making a separate layer, used my paint brush to outline the origial jaw line, then did the changes from there toggling between the original and BA's work to get the shape of the jaw line.  I just hadda....



I started the face over again.

This is my final face....maybe   He is blond ...grey blue eyed.   

His face is splottchy but  when I try to clean it up more I get more off track.


BA, are you comfortable with layer masks? If you are not,  try experimenting as they can help you in so many ways. Take for instance you want to work on making the face less splotchy. I always make sure I have two layers, the original, the one I'm working. To even out the splotches if they are minor, I will duplicate a layer and then I will go up to filters and do a "Gaussian Blur." I might do it at 60%, but you will be able to tell what is too much or not enough. I will then go to the bottom of my PhotoShop layer and pick a layer mask--it will automatically give you one where nothing is concealed--I will hold the alt key and hit the layer mask icon and now everything is concealed--make sure that when you do that the background on the left menu is standard with the background white and the foreground black. Then I go up and pick a soft brush and with foreground white--if you hit "X" key, you will be able to toggle back and forth between revealing and hiding. Before I use the brush, I go to the top and reduced the opacity to 30%. Make sure you are doing it to the brush's opacity and not your layer. You can change as needed. I will then go over the face, make sure you do not go over the eyes, nostrils, lips, teeth, or anything else you want to stay sharp. Be very careful that it helps smooth the skin out, but doesn't make the skin look plastic.

Other helps for the layer mask on your photo is that on the collar, you could make a second layer and change the mode of the layer to "Screen." This will give you a blow out which you don't want, so turn down the opacity. You could also change the mode to color and take a brush with the color white.  The same goes for his hair, use a layer mask and the screen mode and you can lighten only those areas that need it.

A layer mask will help you tweak areas that need work while leaving the rest intact. That way the boy's face will not look like it all changed.


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


I use layer masks always.    Just have to practice more.
Thanks Margie for the suggestions. 


Going to send this one up.   Think I have to re calibrate my monitor.   His hair here has blue highlights while mine shows white.


Love your work!!  I don't think I could have done the miracles you have on it.  *No tree cutting today... it rained last night!  :)


This is what  I am sending up.  Did some cleaning and redid the folds of his eyes. Tried to even the colour of his skin.