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any suggestions?

Started by kjohnson, November 21, 2006, 01:04:54 PM

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But when I go to sample these colors - they come out funky, and nothing like what ya kinda see. 


What sample size are you using on your eyedropper? there's point, 3x3 and 5x5 pixels - you may find better results using different ones. Or maybe just eyeball it? Also kinda difficult to tell whether the colour on the poriginal was from the damage or was originally there. To my eye anyway, loooks like a white shirt on some green trousers. that sky looks off though - almost like it was painted in after the fact. hmmmmm.... see how you go wit the colourising, but if it doesn't look right, I'm sure keeping it monochrome wouldn't be too bad a thing either.

The saints are coming ...


Thanks for the info, I'll have to check out the sampling info, I didn't look. Yea I thought the earlier mono-chrome looked  version looked fine.   


I belong to NAPP and the top Gurus suggest using the 3x3....    :)

Here's hoping that all our US based folks, had a wonderful Thanksgiving... 



I hesitate to offer any more opinions at this point as you're probably pretty far along with this photo, but here I go anyway.  It looks to me like the man is sitting on a ledge of some sort, with his hands resting on his knees and his legs are crossed and one, possibly two of his legs, just above the ankle is clearly visible at the bottom of the image.  The horizontal band in the background is probably some kind of trim on the car (or airplane?) behind him.  I've outlined what I see in the original photo compared to the restored version below:

I hope I'm not barging in too late on this one.




Don't hesitate to jump in on any discussion no matter how old. Your suggestions and comments have been great.

Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]


Thanks for info - its really appreciated and in fact such helpful info & tips have motivated me to go beyond where I thought I was done awhile back, that was a couple of versions ago. 

At this juncture, I'm restoring the hand-coloring to how it may have been before (image not displayed yet). But as for making him sit on a ledge, cross his legs & reveal what the trim really is - I dunno how.