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Is This Done-ish?

Started by PatW, November 30, 2011, 01:35:29 PM

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I've way too much time trying to get that shadow right between their foreheads. I hate to say "close enough" but is this close enough?


Hi Pat, sounds like you are trying to get some wiggle room here? Nice try and yes, I think it is close enough, but I tried a few things you might like---quick and easy. I wanted to suggest the long and difficult for you, but I have to change my image by Xmas.  :halo:

Here is what I did:

1. Use the burn tool and lightly go over the girl's hair on your left and also on the guy's close cropped part
2. Levels Adjustment Layer--bring the sliders in the Green & Blue Channel
3. After the Level Adjustment Layer, it may look too cool and that is OK, but I wanted their skins to have a nice warm tone. I duplicated my layer and did the 2nd warming filter and then merged down and did a layer mask to conceal all. I then painted back in the warmer skin tones.

I think you are fine on the shadow--no problem there. Nice job on the restore. The skin looks different on my monitor than it does on here---not as red.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Thanks, Margie.  I'll work on the hair. Didn't even think about that....

Ok, so what I did with this photo was color correct it at the beginning using threshold layers & curves.  This made it too cool, so at the end I added a warming filter to try and make them look more natural.  On my monitor I'm not seeing a lot of difference between our versions, so I'm a little confused...(hard to imagine Pat being befuddled, isn't it  ::))  ...are you telling me to take some red out of the skin & then add more warming back, or just add more warming?   


Pat, I'm good on your skin tones, but look at the difference between mine and yours on the back wall. There is a definite pinkish cast that when I did the Level Adjustment Layer, it got rid of.  You could do another copy and do the Levels Adjustment; merge visible and drop on top of what you have here. With a layer mask pick and choose what you like best. The one thing I noticed when I did the Levels Adjustment is that it seemed to make the photo pop more, but yes, it does make it cooler. How's that for confusing?

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


 :D Me, confused? :D

Ok, so the embarrassing part of this is that I did that warming thing to the wall on purpose. ...but... sigh.... seeing as how my artistic license has been revoked, I'll take it back out & punch it up a little.  :halo: 


Well now, that puts a whole new spin on things. If it was deliberate than it becomes beauty in the eye of the beholder. You could upload both versions for QC to choose. If they pick my version, I'll let you know--- :P  

OK, just kidding, but you might be right.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Theresa H

Nice restore, really like how you brightened it up and just think its a sweet picture to begin with.
Character is what you are, reputation is what other people think you are


 Hi Everyone,

There have been several posts of different photos for this lovely young woman and her husband. Because of her tragic circumstance---loosing her husband in the Joplin tornado---we have been pushing to get her photos done before Christmas. The majority of her photos are in and while we usually don't split a print order, we will this time in the hopes of bringing some happiness her way.

Thanks to everyone who have work so hard on her photos. All of the families are special, but this one touched our hearts the most.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Beautiful job Pat!
Margie, what a lovely idea, I hope these photos will bring a smile on the girl's face...

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Thanks Hannie & Theresa! 

As Margie said, these pictures were special.  I think every time we download a photo here, we're aware of the tragic circumstances that brought them to OPR, but these were the first photos I've worked on that actually brought me to tears.  They seemed like such a happy couple & the tenderness of the body language between them broke my heart.

So... um.... send me some clowns next time, please.... ::)