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Still doing a bit!

Started by Ausimax, January 06, 2008, 03:16:37 AM

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Like Candy, I haven't been posting much but I've still been doing a few, this is my latest, not too sure about the background, it is all colours pulled from the original.

What are your thoughts?

According to my calculations this is my hundredth restoration, no wonder I'm starting to feel old and in need of Photoshoping.

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!


Close as I can tell it's pretty plain Max.  Here's a quick spin on the levels.   I adjusted all three individually and then went back and found a neutral point before finally setting the black and white points.  Anywho, might give you an idea.

C  :hug:

Tess (Tassie D)

I get the same as Candy, Max. Maybe tone down the green in the background a bit? Great job on it though. :up:
I know what you mean, I'm up to about 115 and counting. I need to blend all the blemishes, sun damage and wrinkles out. :funny:
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Digital ROC PRO shows colors like Max has, a lot of green but the individual levels that Candy tried seem to give a more natural looking result. 
Wonderful restoration Max, I really like how you got rid of the tonal differences in his face.  I always find that the hardest part to get right.


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Folks,

Thanks for your thoughts on this one, have done a re-work on it how does it look now?

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!


I've been trying a few things that Katrina Eismann shared in this quicktime tutorial. That is where my colors came from.  I dont' have digital ice.  :o(  But I do have the tutorial to share: 


USM just recently spoke of her in a post; it was about old color not being a bold as todays.  And it's stated on this link, so watch it all the way through.  It has some great ideas. 


What a great tutorial, don't you love how easy it is to follow her directions! 
Thanks for sharing that Candy.


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hannie, I really do love how easy it is and if there are more I'd love to have them.  It was so much easier to see what she was doing than to read the books and I have enough of them to know.  lol  ;)


I duplicated, changed mode to cmyk and used curves to decrease the blue in the skin tones. Blur tool on the cap.


Photoshop 2021, MacPro


Great tutorial from Katrin.  Thanks for sharing that Candy.  I'm anxious to try that out.



I have to attend graduation ceremony three times a year.  If he is wearing what I think he should be wearing, the cap and gown should be black without blue tint.  I also removed some of the red from his face.

Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6

Tess (Tassie D)

I wonder if those tuts are available in anything else but quicktime?
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


I don't think so Tess.  I have QT 7.13, that is the version without the I-tunes but it is still some 70 MB!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Folks,

Thank you for your input and ideas on this one, all a great help, and thanks Schen for the heads up on the colours, its always hard to know what pertains in different countries.

Out here he would only be wearing a silk gown if he was receiving his Doctorate, and in that case would not be wearing a Mortar.

This was the final outcome that was sent home.

Candy that is a great Tutorial, it is a pity it isn't down-loadable, its the sort you would like to watch a few times to get it all planted in your head, but online video's eat up the bandwidth, I'm sure they think we all have free internet or if you use PS you can afford plenty of bandwidth.

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!