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New Board

Started by Mhayes, August 26, 2011, 04:51:23 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I am pleased to announce the new OPR Board of Directors:

•   Margie Hayes President
•   Jan Neil Secretary/Treasurer
•   Tess Cameron
•   Shujen Chen
•   Kiska Moore
•   Hannie Scheltema

I would like to thank the outgoing board members for all they have accomplished. OPR started with Dave Ellis and Becky Sell, and grew into an organization with over 2,000 volunteers world wide. Angela Ellis worked tirelessly getting out photos from her home in the beginning as well as being treasurer. She was responsible for getting our 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit classification and also getting the grant from the Herb Block foundation. Other funding came from an auction that she started. John Mathews came on as a board member and webmaster and I can't imagine OPR without the website that we have today. Our ability to grow and communicate is the result of that website.

Becky not only helped start OPR, but she was very active on runs and I had the privilege of working with her on the Cedar Rapids, IA copy run. Before that Becky was working quietly behind the scenes helping out where needed. Dave I had the pleasure of working with in Galveston, TX. Dave was very active on runs and also on the forum. His career as a photojournalist was a big plus in getting the word out about OPR.

Although Dave, Angela, Becky and John are no longer board members they are still volunteers and besides corresponding with them; I hope to see  them again. Becky will be a new mother in September expecting their first child—a baby boy. Congratulations Becky!

Also changing is the corporate address for OPR:

Operation Photo Rescue, Inc.
1355 E. 6th Ave.
El Dorado, KS 67042-8650

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Mike S.

Congratulations everyone, I know we are in good hands.
Mike S.

Tess (Tassie D)

I want to thank the outgoing board also. What a wonderful organisation they have created. Their tireless hard work has created a lasting legacy for all people affected by disasters that we can reach.

Thanks also to Margie and Jan for plugging away to get everything set up and changed over with a minimum of disruption.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


This organization would not be here without the tireless effort of the founders and the previous board members including those who are able to continue their service.

Thank you!
Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6


Wow!  I can't think of a better group of people to be on our board of directors, and have no way to appropriately express my gratitude and admiration to Dave, Angela, Becky and John for their successful efforts to get OPR its amazing start.

Margie, you're an awesome leader and guiding spirit for this worldwide group of volunteers.  Thank you for everything you've done to keep us going.



What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


I want to add my thanks to the out-going board for all their hard work, and my appreciation for the new board and their work to keep OPR going!

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence." -Calvin Coolidge


I should like to second all that was said above and in addition I'd like to thank all of our OPR volunteers for their hard work and dedication to make all of this possible!


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


I am so excited about going forward along with our new board members.  Dave, Becky, Angela and John gave OPR a strong foundation and mission, and Margie has put her heart and soul into bringing about our transition.



Thanks to everyone for letting me be a part of OPR for so many years. I can't imagine not having my OPR experience in my life.  OPR does important work and it is my hope that OPR continues to flourish.  With storms like Irene, we are reminded that there will always be work for OPR to do.  I wish everyone well and I look forward to seeing OPR do bigger and better things!