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This Baby Gets Around

Started by weewood, July 16, 2008, 07:05:32 PM

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Well, before I add the louvers, the blending, and the noise. I would like your opinions or comments regarding this photo. Don't be shy!  :loveit:

Regards, David
David J. Davis

Windows 10 Pro, Photoshop CC 2018, Intel i7 4770K 3.5GHZ, Nivida GeForce GTX 1070



Nice job. The things I notice is that dad's face looks painted to me. Maybe adding some shadows around the eyes might help. His sweater is too square along the back and by his waste. If you compare it to the original there appear to be bulges along the back. The sweater may be a cardigan as in the original there appears to be a black gap under the baby's foot which may be unbuttoned that area. I would make the shadow around the  shirt collar edges less obvious. The baby's mouth looks to have a bigger smile in the damaged photo or perhaps the damage in that area makes it look that way. The back of dad's hand looks larger than his fingers. Looks like you may have reshaped his hand compared to the original.

Is there part of the baby's hand showing next to dad's collar in the original?

You said don't be shy.



Hi David


I concur with all of JB's comments, and I wanted to post a really down-and-dirty partial clean-up of the dad.  On his face I cloned very small areas contiguous to the damaged ones, and then used the patch tool to regain texture.  I think if you do that you'll have less of a painted look.  Ditto the sweater.  I didn't do a great job on the missing eye, but I took color from the good one and cloned it where I thought it should be on the other.  This definitely isn't a quick way, but I think it's more realistic, especially if you extrapolate from the existing shading to get correct contours.

Down and dirty face clean-up:



And furthermore...  I just noticed that he appears to be wearing a wedding ring.  I'd be sure to get that back on his finger!
What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


I think the baby is sticking her tongue out a little.

Photoshop 2021, MacPro


Well, I hope you like this photo better than my original attempt. I think I fixed everything that was mentioned. Let me know what you think. I've been away for a awhile, but now I'm back, and hope to be doing more to help OPR be successful.  :hug:

David J. Davis

Windows 10 Pro, Photoshop CC 2018, Intel i7 4770K 3.5GHZ, Nivida GeForce GTX 1070


Hi David,

Great to see you back again!
You've done a great job on this one.  One little pick: could you darken the shadows some and soften some of the sharp outlines a little?  (Oops, that were 2 picks)


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Dave, by all means extrapolate!  You gotta love Glenna, when she's not looking up people's nostrils, she looking up great words in the dictionary. 


I know I am new to OPR and PS, and I hope no one takes this personal but the baby legs and shoes and skin tone don't look natural to me. Maybe almost painted or like in one of those animated movies? And daddys chin is alot longer and more pointed then in the original. If I am looking at this the wrong way, could some please set me straight? It is the only way I will learn too.

I like the way you did the back of his shirt weewood. Did you by chance use the liquid tool for that?


Mitzs,,,I think you got a good point. I had to manufacture the socks and shoes, so they probably do look a little animated, and the skin tone on the baby's legs could be textured. I'm not so sure about the Dad's chin, I thought that I lowered the opacity to verify the positioning, maybe its the shadowing that is through me off.

No, I did not use the liquify tool, but could have.

Thanks for your input. I'm going to go extrapolate some more....

Regards, David   
David J. Davis

Windows 10 Pro, Photoshop CC 2018, Intel i7 4770K 3.5GHZ, Nivida GeForce GTX 1070


David, it's great to see you back on the forum, my friend!  I hope you enjoyed PSW!

I definitely concur with mitzs that much of the restoration still looks painted.  I think there's plenty of image that's usable to get it more natural looking.  Check your positioning carefully, i.e. his ring is further up his finger than you're showing it and the positioning of his hands is different.  It looks to me as if his finger is under the baby's chin.  I went through this with one of my scratch monsters, and it took forever to get the little bits and pieces healed and cloned, but I think if you use what's there, your image will be more realistic.  As for the little one's shoes, you may have to compromise and not have a lot of detail on them, because it appears to me that there isn't much visible by which to recreate them.  My opinion is that a bit of a blurred restored area is preferable to something contrived merely to present more detail.

As for my nostril and language issues, c'mon Mary, nobody's perfect.  Sheesh! I really talk like this.  "A Way With Words" on PBS is my favorite radio show.  I can do the word scramble in the newspaper every day in less than a minute, without writing anything down.  I'm a freak – so shoot me!  But keep your thesaurus and dictionary handy.  I have to keep Hannie on her toes!

Hugs guys!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Hi David,  I've been watching you struggle with this very difficult face so thought I'd jump in.  This one is tough because his face is 3/4 view and his chin is down somewhat, then considering all the damage to this face, well, it's very hard.  I was not able to do much to the mouth but I hope the other parts that I did will help you out. I did my usual stuff nothing different.  Lots of stealing from good areas and a little painting. I made a little bit of my own noise using a Starry night brush and EXTRAPOLATING color from the lightest, medium and darkest areas of the face. I sure hope this is of some help.

Glenna B my friend, I was just funnin you yesterday about your vocabulary, which in fact is stupendous!  You are a wordsmith and I so admire that ability. I do believe that you speak this way and I think it GREAT. It really tickles me. 

Love and Hugs,

Mary  :hug:

PS Dave, for the dark shadows I think you should use the dark color under the babies' arm and not grey as it looks very unnatural.  I also think you are so brave for taking this one on, you are an OPR hero.


Thanks to all of you that have given me advice. Some of the advice has come after I've already made changes, so if there is something that you feel is still missing, please let me know. I tried to incorporate as much as I could. Let me know what you think now!

Regards, David
David J. Davis

Windows 10 Pro, Photoshop CC 2018, Intel i7 4770K 3.5GHZ, Nivida GeForce GTX 1070


Well, the more I looked at this photo, the more I like the face that Mary did. So, I incorporated it, worked on the lip, and added some noise to match the rest of the photo. I'm waiting (not really waiting, still working on others) for more opinions, if you have any. Regards, David

David J. Davis

Windows 10 Pro, Photoshop CC 2018, Intel i7 4770K 3.5GHZ, Nivida GeForce GTX 1070

Tess (Tassie D)

I think it looks really great David. :up: I agree the baby's mouth seems to be open more, probably a cheeky grin.  :) Apart from that I'd send it home.

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


David, the adjustments you made to dad's face are a tremendous improvement.  Much more natural.  Kudos!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)