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What Happened to Spring?

Started by Mhayes, March 29, 2009, 02:57:36 AM

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After having temps in the 70s, Kansas got hit with a nice ice and snow storm. In western part of the state some places got 24 in, but with the winds some of the drifts measured 6 feet. Instead of snow we got sleet and freezing rain, which because of the ice build up caused a lot of power outages. Bad as it seemed it doesn't compare with what Fargo, ND is going through. The sad part was to see all of the spring flowers and trees in bloom encased in ice.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Wow Margie, what amazing photos. I remember years ago when I was in highschool we had a very heavy dew one night and then a snap freeze. Everything looked like your photo, all encased in ice. Haven't seen it in at least 30 years though.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Very dramatic photo on the left Margie, those poor blooms!
Watch out for falling branches!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Sometimes extreme weatherconditions are the best for amazing photo's.
Don't worry, spring will come and nature will recover!
The only way to get better is to figure out what I did wrong.


Spring won't arrive in Montana until around May!  It's snowing here today, but since I have my season ski passes, I'll just keep on skiing!



Remember your helmet!   :hug:


Today was the first day I could have a sandwich outside at noon!!! Wearing a coat sitting on a chair against the south wall but still ... spring is in the air in this part of the world *yay*
The only way to get better is to figure out what I did wrong.


well, Mother Nature seems to forget that it's spring, as we've had 7 straight days of snow.  We received around a foot last night, and while I wanted to ski today, we could not get out of our driveway until the snowplow came.

This is a photo of the back porch area.  4 roof lines converge, and being it's a metal roof, all of the snow gets dumped in one big pile.  Right now, the pile of snow is higher than the roof!


p.s. Glenna, I'll be down to visit shortly!


Chris, your snow storm beats my ice storm and I don't feel bad you won!  :funny:

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Wow, thats a heck of a lot of snow Chris. Where's your snowman?
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Now I understand why we're overwhelmed with "snowbirds" this time of year!  We went on a dinner cruise up the intercoastal last night, and the weather was absolutely perfect.  Probably got "down" to the low 70s.  I LOVE FLORIDA!  (I'll say that until hurricane season hits, and we sit here in the dark AGAIN, terrified that we're going to get blasted.)  Meanwhile, however, forgive me if I'm a bit smug!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


My reward for 7 straight days of snow is phenomenal skiing.  I took this photo this morning while cross-country skiing.


Tess (Tassie D)

That is so beautiful Chris. Talk about picture perfect.
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


For people who love to ski, I know you're as close to Heaven as you can get!! 



It was a phenomenal morning of skiing, and beautiful enough to make me stop and look.  I have my 8-mile loop that I generally "time myself with my stopwatch", so that I push myself harder each time I ski.  Today, I just stopped to smell the roses, er...snow.  Scenes that I'd looked at a gazillion times were breath-takingly beautiful.  I'm skiing pretty deep into the woods, albeit groomed trails.  It's unusual for me to come across any other skiers, because the area is so large.  To say I'm in my own bit of heaven is an understatement.  Need I say more?


p.s. When I'm whining because it's still snowing Memorial Day weekend, please offer me sympathy!