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The Graduate

Started by Shadow, January 05, 2017, 09:13:02 PM

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Hey Gang. So happy to have a new photo. This is a fun one. Remember your graduation?!  :cool:
I did a color correction with a Levels Layer for the Gray point and then tweaked the White/Black points with a Curves Layer. Any suggestions for what to do with the areas where the damage has removed everything? I can do the robe and sleeve ... not sure what to make of the rest. All comments welcome!


This is where it's at. Any one have an idea or suggestions for what to do with damaged areas? Maybe grass on lower parts? Looks like some green on the lower left ...  :crazy:  Any idea what that light colored area might be on the upper left side?  All responses welcomed! Thx


Maybe a white shirt with khaki pants???
Photoshop 2021, MacPro


Hmm.. looking good so far.. I dunno.. probably just do as Kiska said and some grass..
never giving up......learning from others as I go...


Grass is probably safest since you won't be able to figure out if any parts of people in the background were visible. I think I'd also make it look like the grass is in shadow. Bright grass would draw attention.
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence." -Calvin Coolidge


Kiska, Lynnya and Tori, thank you for the suggestions. Will give them a go.
Kiska ... hope your winter storm wasn't too bad where you are and Tori ... oh my! Minnesota!!
Lucky Lynn ... Shadow said take an extra long stroll for him. He is only get short ones till the winter surprise is gone  ;D


Hmm ... couldn't make much of the man on far left with beige/white so tried this? Is it believable? Thoughts? Thx!


I think it's looking pretty good but your'e right.. the grass looks a bit different... can you select the grass at the top.. contol J to a new level drag it down to the corner, mask it and paint in back in.. you can jump it several times.. then you could darken it a bit..also the man to my left, his shirt edge is very sharp, maybe blur the edge a tad? apart from that it look great!
never giving up......learning from others as I go...


I thought that might be bushes but I like your idea. Will give it a go. What do you think about removing the white/beige blob far left? Thanks for catching the shirt! Will fix that too.


I think it might be o.k. ... I don't really know what it is.. could be the back of a person I spose ... I spose strictly speaking it's part of the original but to be honest I'd have to wait for Margie on that one.. do both maybe?
never giving up......learning from others as I go...


Will do. Thanks for your thoughts!  :hug:


Shadow, late to the game as the cold had me down for the count. I agree with all the suggestion and think you have done a fine job with this one. The most important part of this photo is the woman. I might be tempted to add a bit more color to her arm. You also might want to try a slight blur to her surroundings as that will help with the grass and the people not looking like they are cutouts.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Glad you are feeling better Margie! Will do that and thanks for weighing in!


Hey there. This is where it's at now. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks gang.


The "khaki" person on the left needs to be blurred like the rest of the people in the background.
Photoshop 2021, MacPro