Operation Photo Rescue's Online Community

OPR Workshops => Difficult => Topic started by: kiska on November 04, 2006, 04:49:04 AM

Title: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 04, 2006, 04:49:04 AM
This is my fourth or fifth restore for OPR. Didn't understand that cropping was ok. Is this one acceptable? Crop is same dimensions as original.

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 04, 2006, 06:09:36 AM
Comments, please. Becky stated she wanted this in grayscale.

Click on the thumbnail

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69671470/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69671470/original)

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 06, 2006, 05:36:55 AM
mmmmmmmmmmm! Don't know what happened to the first image.

Is this too fake looking?? Too red?? Comments please.

Click on the thumbnail

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69798911/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69798911/original)

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 06, 2006, 02:50:11 PM
Hi Kiska.

That photo is so heavily damaged and a low quality to begin with. I don't know what else can be done. Your restoration has a painted feel to it, but I think it's damaged enough that it will end up with that regardless.

One thing though...what's the filename of that one? I swear that child looks familiar. Could that be a girl? The kid looks like the girl from the Christmas series some of us (including myself) did. If it is, you could use one of our images as a donor for her face.

Kenny :)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 06, 2006, 03:45:48 PM
Yeah, it looks painted. Didn't know how else to handle it.. The name is ToddB.
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 06, 2006, 04:07:33 PM
It could still be her. The file name on the one I did was Bourleta. Here is the picture I'm talking about:


The eyes and chin are what look similar to me.

Kenny :)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 06, 2006, 04:35:35 PM
They might be kin. Mine is topless which makes me think male, even at that young age.  ;)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 07, 2006, 05:10:05 AM
I know it looks painted, but couldn't figure another way. Comments?

Click on thumbnail.

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69848086/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69848086/original)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: glennab on November 07, 2006, 08:44:39 AM
Good morning kiska

I think the gentleman looks great, but the woman doesn't look to me much like she does in the original.  From what I can see through the damage, she's younger and her features seem quite different, even though much of it is subtle.  I think you'd be better off to get what you can of her original look and not try to build what's not discernable.  It's a tough one, for sure.

Have a wonderful day!

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 07, 2006, 09:19:13 AM
I have to agree with Glenna on this one. I can't put my finger on what's different with the woman, though. I did a side by side comparison with the original face and the restored one and it's a match. I even tried several different overlay techniques with no luck. Hopefully someone will be able to see what's missing.

Sorry I couldn't help.

Kenny :)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Leah M on November 07, 2006, 09:26:41 AM
I see the shape of the cheeks/smile going in the wrong direction.  e.g. her right cheek .. original is slightly arched, almost straight but not quite .. as in curved slightly over, where as the other seems curved under and too wide to the side of the face.

The cheek structure generally feels too well defined.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Leah M

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 07, 2006, 10:11:59 AM
Leah, you're rightl. The smile lines were off. But her cheeks seem pretty well defined in the blue channel, to me. Here's another go. Still no home run, tho.

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69856603/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69856603/original)

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Leah M on November 07, 2006, 10:21:26 AM
Woohooo! :)

Now, could youhave a look at something else that might be making a difference.  I'm finding it quite hard to see for sure, cheek her teeth.  I get the feeling that when she smiles, her bottom teeth are not showing, and that any light/white colour may well be a trick of the light on her bottom lip.  Lipstick, lip gloss could have that effect.

Leah M :)

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Leah M on November 07, 2006, 10:44:30 AM
Is this any closer?


Leah M
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Leah M on November 07, 2006, 10:52:21 AM
I think those lovely cheekbones are crinkling up her eyes when she smiles, lifting them from underneath if you get my drift


Leah M
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 07, 2006, 11:04:33 AM
I agree with the eye-crinkling. It's not so much like a wrinkle thing but a crinkle. It really brings out her smile. I think a little crinkling in the outside corner of the eyes might do the trick. It's very subtle, though, so go easy.

Kenny :)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Leah M on November 07, 2006, 11:30:34 AM
`ello Kenny :)

In the pic below, of just her, I've ever so slightly change the shape of her eyes from underneath to try and reflect the raised cheekbones.

I don't know how that pic works for anyone else .. but it's a mix of very small changes.

The underneath of the eyes lifted
The teeth have been evened out.  It felt that the perspective of long teeth to short helped create a larger mouth than she has.
The lips a little filled out (perhaps too much) and the 'cupid' minimised as the smile stretches the mouth
The corners of the mouth have been less defined, drawn in a little to reduce width, relying on shading rather than defined shape
The shading at chin level has been blended a little more to reduce the 'long' chin line look

Those were my impressions when playing a little with the photo.

Leah M
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 07, 2006, 02:30:56 PM
Much better!  :up:
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 07, 2006, 03:10:31 PM
I don't see a pic!??!! of just the woman.
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 07, 2006, 06:43:14 PM
Kiska, she's talking about the last pic on the first page. Basically it's just slight changes to make the eyes look more....I don't know what they are more of, lol. This one is so hard to pin down. I tried and honestly couldn't come up with anything more to add to it, but I still felt like something was missing.

I know, I'm not a lot of help on this one :P

Kenny :)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Leah M on November 07, 2006, 08:54:48 PM
I'm sorry if I was confusing things, kiska.  My messages in threads are shown 'latest first' so my 'below' would have been 'above' to anyone not using the same message order option as me.

I shall try and be more aware of that :)

Leah M
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: glennab on November 07, 2006, 09:45:49 PM
Hi kiska

This restoration so intrigued me that I spent my lunch hour at work trying everything I could to get a better idea of what the young woman looks like.  The best results I got were by using the filters/render/lighting effects and playing with them until I could discern that she's very young and her face is thinner than your version.  I don't think her bottom teeth show, and I also think that her upper teeth are smaller. I wish I could make more suggestions, but that was the best I could do.  I hope it helps.

The people with whom I work couldn't believe that ANYONE would try to restore this photo.  What you're doing is truly special!

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 08, 2006, 06:43:51 AM

Thanks for hammering away at this, guys. I appreciate it.

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69901854/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/69901854/original)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 17, 2006, 07:25:20 AM
Last one before the new crop. Comments??

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/70347081/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/70347081/original)

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: glennab on November 17, 2006, 08:58:21 AM
Good morning Kiska

I think you've accomplished a lovely painting, but it doesn't look much like the original photo.  There's plenty of detail available in the photo to pull up a more realistic rendering of these kids.  And I don't think the baby's hand could be on big brother's arm.  What I see there looks more like sleeve.

Maybe try the healing tool on some areas and very careful cloning to get the true pixels. (That advice is courtesy of my learning all this from my wonderful OPR coaches!)

Some channel checking and color correction on a separate layer will give you more to go on. Not necessarily to use in the restoration, but to see more of what's there.

I fight this same syndrome constantly.  I've done several fine looking paintings myself, only to go back and re-do the whole thing, allowing a little more of the distruction to stay, rather than get the image so smooth it doesn't look real.  It's a tough balance.   As a matter of fact, I'm re-working a restoration right now for that reason.

I'd definitely go back and try again on this one.  It'll be worth it. I know that from hard experience!

Best to you as always,

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: kiska on November 17, 2006, 09:16:10 AM
Here's the green channel. Looks to me that's the baby's hand on the boy's arm, and the boy is mesmerized. His eyes are looking straight at it. Don't think he'd be so enthralled with a sleeve. If it's too painterly, I'll be more than happy to offer it to whoever wants it; no problem. 8)

(*&^&*&*( ..................the first '?' works when clicked.

(http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/70348641/small.jpg) (http://www.pbase.com/ob/image/70348641/original)

Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: Kenny on November 17, 2006, 09:16:55 PM
These last few are trying, aren't they? I'm about to pull out my hair over the boy on the rocking horse. I mentioned to Max in another thread about us possibly working together to finish these worst ones.

If I get to upload my priest, I'd be happy to work with this one. When they end up with a painted look I use that technique I talked about in another thread where I make a copy of the restored one with the original sandwiched in between and overlay the top layer..etc. 

It always helps mine when they end up looking off on the skin tones and details. I just looked and I can't find that thread where I described that technique... :'(

Let me know and I'll give it a go.

Kenny :)
Title: Re: kiska WIPs
Post by: glennab on November 18, 2006, 12:06:33 AM
Kenny & Kiska

The thread you couldn't find is in  "Glenna's Latest Challenge."  The "sandwich" technique worked wonderfully to return the photo to a more natural look.