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Greetings from Montana

Started by BigZ, November 26, 2012, 06:26:20 PM

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Howdy Pardners.... Yup, that's how we do it in this neck of the woods ;D

My name is Paul, and I'm from Missoula, Montana, nestled in the mountains in western Montana. I am 48, and have been doing graphic arts for the last 18 years. I am also an avid amateur photographer. I have done a lot of portrait touch yp, and do some restoration work also for my current job.  I am currently working as a monument designer (that's right pardners, yer kinfolk will see me after yer in boot hill.) In that job, a lot of people want to place pictures of their loved one on the stone, but it is amazing how bad most of the images they give me are.

I have 2 kids who are a hand full, ages 15 and 17. My hobbies are of course photography, computers, gaming, Sci-Fi, and a little bit of just about everything else.


Well a Howdy back at you BigZ,

Looks like you have a great sense of humor as well as the skills to fit right in here. Interesting about your work as a monument designer and maybe the kinfolk might see your work unless they plan on going up in smoke.

Thanks for volunteering.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Hi, BigZ, and welcome! You'll find a lot of new challenges with these storm damaged photos, but it's very rewarding work.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence." -Calvin Coolidge


Hi BigZ and a warm welcome from Amsterdam!
I can tell you are going to fit right in here on the forum, good luck on your first OPR restore.

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]