Sunday, April 28th, 2024

Class Assignment: Show a Random Act of Kindness


Late in February of this year I received an email from Kristy Cranston, a student at Brooklyn College studying to become a Speech Pathologist, who needed to fulfill a minimum of 2.5 hours of volunteering at an organization of choice. Kristy is on Dennis McKeever’s right. Other classmates names withheld by request. In Kristy’s words:

As a current resident of Staten Island and a former resident of Breezy Point, my entire family has been directly affected in more ways than one by Hurricane Sandy. I understand and deeply appreciate your organization and would like the opportunity to fulfill my class requirement as a volunteer of your organization. I will come with three other classmates as well.

Assignment Overview: This assignment provides students with an opportunity to show a random act of kindness to their fellow citizens. The assignment also invites students to develop their problem solving skills, learn about group dynamics, advance critical thinking skills, and appreciate the importance of community building.

Since the copy run in New York had already happened, OPR needed a way to have a mini-copy run with a seasoned OPR volunteer in charge to help Kristy and her classmates. Dennis McKeever was approached to see if he could help out and he readily agreed. Dennis has been very active in OPR and has been especially helpful in the New York copy run.

Kristy and classmates getting damaged photos ready.









Kristy with damaged photo from Staten Island.









Dennis McKeever setting up his camera equipment.









Photos Courtesy of Dennis McKeever

Kristy contacted us the last part of May to say: We got our grade back for the project – 143/150!!

Congratulations Kristy and classmates! You got a 150/150 from us and the families whose photos you helped get restored!

Margie Hayes


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