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Two Ladies

Started by Lynnya, January 19, 2017, 01:07:24 PM

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Hi all.. just starting a new one.. here is my color correction - levels, curves, neutral gray touch of vibrance and checked curves again for numbers..comments welcome.


this is where I'm at... all comments and suggestions appreciated...

never giving up......learning from others as I go...


Hey girl! Looking good so far. On her arm, you did wonders ... maybe trim the forearm on left side so it is a bit straighter? A Dodge/Burn layer to add back some of the highlights from your color corrected version would put it over the top.  :up:


Good suggestions all Shadow thanks  :up: I used the phlearn method for the arm... painting, used a clipping mask to deal with the paint only, then noise and styalize and imboss to try to match the skin...

Needs a bit of dodge/burn as you say..
never giving up......learning from others as I go...


Hey girl. You have the Phlern method down pat. Look forward to your final.  ^-^


How's this ...anything else?

never giving up......learning from others as I go...




Oh Shadow... you always make me smile...thanks. :hug:
never giving up......learning from others as I go...