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Flying Blind

Started by Mhayes, June 21, 2009, 10:26:12 PM

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Hi Everyone,

Lately I have been receiving photos that have no color profile listed when I open them for viewing. I know that all of the photos in the gallery have a color profile of srgb and when you open them on your computer; you have the choice of staying in that color space or going with your working color space. If your color setting is already set to srgb, you will not get a warning box. In my case it is set to open in Adobe RGB and I will work in that color space until time to upload back. When a photo returns with no color profile; I'm wondering if the box that says: Discard the embedded profile (don't color manage)," is getting checked?  If you check that one, it will have you flying blind as far as a color space.

This pop up is fine, but what I am getting is a warning box that there is no color profile!

In Photoshop under Edit>Color Settings is a place where you decide how you want your photo to open up and what color space you want to work in. You can have several different variations, especially if you are downloading images to an outside printer. The place I use specifies exactly how they want the color settings and with them I have the choice of using Adobe RGB instead of srgb. I set my color settings to their specifications and then give it a name so that I can have the right color settings. Here is a general setting for srgb, which you can vary the settings.

When I get ready to upload back and if I am in any color space other than srgb, then I do a "Convert to Profile (under Edit). Now the photo is ready to go.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Margie, thanks for the nice tutorial on color profiles.  I found it very useful!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Margie, I have my working space also set to RGB since I do my own printing and that works best for me.
So when I get the above warning box when opening an OPR photo, I choose the first option>> use the embedded profile. Will that be OK too?
PS CS5, PSE9, XP, Windows 7 -64bit


Hi Gerlinde, yes that is fine since it will keep the photo at the original color setting. I do that when I am getting photos ready to upload after a copy run. The only thing that I do notice is that if I check the "use the embedded profile," and start working on a photo and add some layers--Photoshop CS2 will change my color profile back to Adobe RGB without my doing the change.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Thanks Margie,
it's odd that PS changes the profile. I never noticed that. I will check before uploading what color profile it is in. I never got this notification before, it started with CS3.
So just for clarification - if the photo is in sRGB , the restored one should also be in sRGB.
PS CS5, PSE9, XP, Windows 7 -64bit


Yes, if the photo is in sRGB and if you get a warning box asking to keep the embedded profile and you check it, it should stay in that color space. If you do some work with  layers and flattened the file, you can check in the Edit>Convert to Profile to see if it stayed in sRGB. If the photo gets sent back to us in Adobe RGB, that is not a problem as QC will change any photos not in that color space for printing. While restoring your photos, Adobe RGB is great to work in.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]