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Posting policy

Started by MarilynN, May 11, 2009, 06:06:12 PM

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Hello, I'm sure this has been inquired about in the past but I have searched the forums and can't seem to find the answer for my question.

I would like to know what the policy is on sharing/posting the work we've done on our personal website. I know all the EXIF data should be removed to post online (forum) but is it allowed to share the "before" and "after" image on our personal blog, for example? It would be something I'd like to do and at the same time link to the OPR site with the volunteer info, if possible.



Yes. As long as the EXIF data is removed and none of the image owner's personal contact information can be seen, you are welcome to post your OPR work to your personal blog.

Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]


Super. Thanks for replying.