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OPR has gone Web 2.0 (just don't ask me what that is)

Started by Dave, September 21, 2008, 01:29:44 PM

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Happy Sunday to you all,

In an effort to keep this new energy rolling and off of the suggestion of our illustrious web dude John, I've launched OPR on Facebook. Hopefully, it will draw more attention to our work and mission. So if you're already signed up on Facebook, join OPR on there as well so that we can keep putting the word out there.


Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]


That is great news dave. Good going. Does OPR have a twitter account? If not one of you guys should consider it. You can find and make great contacts on there. I know I have. Anyone else here do twitter?


Eeeh Gads, I spend enough time on the computer already doing my restores and trying to help others with theirs'.  I don't know about anyone else but I just can't afford the time.  Sorry  :(
