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A very heartfelt thank you via a phone call...

Started by cmpentecost, July 09, 2008, 07:41:03 PM

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I received a phone call today from Mrs. Baker, who had submitted quite a few damaged wedding photos to us to restore.  Many of these photos had extensive damage, and as she told me, she was beyond hope that they were repairable.  Well, Mrs. Baker recently received her photos and called to say she was ecstatic over the incredible work that had been done on her photos.  She said the detail of the restorations were so perfect that even her bouquet of flowers were completely accurate.  She was so overjoyed at what OPR did for her and her family, especially since Mr. and Mrs. Baker just celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary.  Mrs. Baker said that she had tears in her eyes with joy over her photos, and to thank each and every person within OPR for the wonderful work we are all doing.   :up:

I think each and every volunteer should give themselves a pat on the back for the terrific work that you are doing!!


Tess (Tassie D)

Thats so lovely to hear Chris. What a wedding anniversary present for them.  :hug:
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Chris, it doesn't get any better than that!  All the more reason to keep on keepin' on! Thanks for sharing the lovely thank you.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Chris, that is wonderful to hear! 
Isn't it great that this lady took the the time to write such a lovely note.  I'm sure these folks still have a lot of worries and struggle getting back on the road again.

Thank you for sharing,


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Chris,

Thank you so much for sharing that thank you note from Mrs Baker.  It sure keeps me going as I'm sure it does the other volunteers. I wish I could see some of the photos that were done for her.  One other thing, it sure is wonderful to see you here on the forum.  It's been so so quiet lately.

Mary   :hug:


Chris, was the first initial for Mrs Baker a M or a J? I bet she is still looking at her photos today!

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


What a grand note Christine!!  I know I didn't do any wedding pictures unless they were in uniform!!  LOL  Honestly though, I've seen some stunning work done with brides here.  Thank you for sharing with us and Chris... we miss you!! 




Margie, the Baker family had 3 orders with us, but all the same family of wedding photos.  It was JR Baker, JR Baker Jr, and M Baker.  They are husband, wife and son.  There are still a few photos not yet finished.

And for those that have noticed I've not been around much, I have discovered Montana has two seasons...winter, and house guests!  We're on our 3rd week of guests within a 6 week period.  But, I've been horseback riding and hiking and and going back into the mountains to enjoy the wildflowers and scenery as much as possible.



Christine, Its always nice to hear kind thoughts from our customers. Thanks for posting it.  :loveit:

Regards, David
David J. Davis

Windows 10 Pro, Photoshop CC 2018, Intel i7 4770K 3.5GHZ, Nivida GeForce GTX 1070


Thanks for sharing Chris :up: it reminds me to keep going!