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For new forum members.....

Started by cmpentecost, April 20, 2008, 04:49:38 PM

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We've had a lot of new forum members joining us, and I know some of you signed up with OPR quite some time ago.  I encourage you to take a look at the "Official OPR Handbook", on the left hand side of this web page.  I think you need to be signed into the forum to see it.  The handbook will cover everything from choosing your photos from a gallery (and keeping your selections to one gallery at a time), and how to upload photos back to Photoshelter.

And, if you still have questions, feel free to post your question here, or drop me an email at [email protected].




Also, if you're an a longtime member of OPR who just signed up with OPR, please make sure that you are using the same email address for all OPR business.

I have several new sign ups for the forum with email addresses that I do not have on file.

Please send me an email if you signed on with a new address.


Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]