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Image posting policy?

Started by millifoo, June 23, 2006, 12:41:28 AM

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Hello OPR Elite,

Is there a policy for whether we can post the images that we are working on? e.g. has permission been obtained from the respective owners to make their photos public / posted on the web?

I must admit, I'm a bit uneasy about it - I know that I'd not like my photos posted on the net without explicit permission being granted.


We haven't asked anyone to sign a release or asked for specific permission. However, everyone who has brought images to us for restoration has had the entire process explained to them. They understand that their images will be seen and fixed by complete strangers.

We have had many of the restored images posted on the web via press articles, the forums at dpchallenge.com and OPR's blog. Some restorations have even been shown on TV reports about OPR. To date, no one has complained even though everyone that we work with receives a business card and brochure with our contact information.

Perhaps, we should address the issue more formally before the next copy run is made. Until then, feel free to post the images on this forum. If anyone complains, it will be handled by the OPR leadership.

Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]


This is a good question!
I think as long as the images are not postet on a pro restoration site were your paying for the service i dont think there could be any troubles.
If people need images to use on a starting restoration site/portfolio like myself i think buying old pictures in an antiqe shop is a way better option. That way your sure.

/Lasse -Risici


That idea came to me this morning.  I was wondering what the policy would be on using photos that we had worked on here as work in a portfolio, or as was also mentioned, as sample work for a commercial site. The antique store option isn't a bad idea.


I have no problems with volunteers posting their OPR work in a personal portfolio. However, OPR is a non-profit organization, so posting the same work to a commerical website may call our tax-exempt status into question.

No one wants to risk OPR's status much less having to face the considerable wrath of my wife, Angela, who worked her tail off to turn OPR into a legitimate charity. :o
Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]

Mark Wilson

Plenty of commercial organisations do pro-bono work for charities. I would image that if any such postings were clearly labeled as pro-bono or non-profit undertakings on behalf of OPR there shouldn't be a problem.

Might I suggest that you or your good wife look into this, as I have noticed quite a number of people posting OPR images on their sites already.

"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs." - Ansel Adams 1902-1984.


Mark makes a good point. Since I'm an idiot when it comes to all things legal and financiall, I'll defer to Angela on this one.  Will post the final decision on this forum and in the next blog update (coming Tuesday).
Dave Ellis
OPR Founder
[email protected]

Mark Wilson

Just a thought, Dave, as I haven't seen an update on this subject...

How about allowing people to use something like this (see below) on their site, and linking it back to their own 'Workshop' thread in the forums?

Not the same as posting the images on your own site, but an alternative that won't leave you worrying about the legal implications.

"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs." - Ansel Adams 1902-1984.


Well, I am finally getting off my butt to answer this question--and the answer is--I don't know. I will however try to get some legal advice on the issue...The drama of it is that the big guys at the IRS don't want charity work to be used as free advertising. Obviously that is not the case with us, but I am anal about this stuff until I actually know what I am doing--not quite there yet. I just don't want anyone to look at us funny and then we get stuck with extra paperwork--I don't like paperwork. It is one of the side effects of growing faster than you could have ever imagined (a very good thing by the way!).

In the meantime, I do like the idea of mentioning being an OPR volunteer, just not a member. Our organization is not set up for membership. Personal sites shouldn't be a problem, and I will let you know ASAP about the pro stuff.

right now, our 20 month old son is trying to help me type, so I must get going....lksdufhasgv  dgfh12

dxv xddddeg74
Angela Ellis
Operation Photo Rescue, Inc.
[email protected]
[email protected]