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I got a camera!

Started by glennab, April 02, 2008, 03:44:21 PM

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Hi volunteers,

Because so many of you gave me valuable feedback on choices in cameras, I was finally able to make a decision and today took delivery of a Nikon L18 8mp camera.  It appears to be WAY more than I'll ever need or use, but it's a beautiful camera and every review of it that I read gave it the highest possible rating.  I figured I couldn't go wrong for $140! Now all I need to do is get through all the documentation and figure out how to use it.  Wish me luck, and thanks so much for all your professional opinions!

The photographer wannabe

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Congratulations on your nice new camera Glenna!  I have been looking for a little point and shoot myself so I have been doing a lot of reading up.  Nikon sounds like a really good choice. 
(I always thought that Nikon would be hard to learn to use but from what I've been reading that is not the case with the L18.)

I think that 8Mp is a good size, who needs 10 (or 12!) Mp with a point and shoot.  8 Mp is more than enough resolution for your average print and you can even crop at that size without too much loss of resolution.
I'm looking for a camera like yours but then with a viewfinder.  I noticed during my trip to South Africa that I started using the LCD screen less and less to save battery power. 

I really like the Canon Powershot G9 but there are 2 big drawbacks: shutter delay is too long and the camera is very expensive!
I would love to hear later on how you like your camera, have lots of picture taking fun in the meantime!


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]

Tess (Tassie D)

Thats great Glenna. Now we will wait to see some beautiful photos from your part of the world. :)
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Glenna, I thought your posted shots were great, now I can't wait to see more pics. Congrats on the new camera!


Glenna, welcome to the world of Nikon ownership. I have owned Nikons for over 35 years, and you cannot go wrong.

You are so smart, you will have it figured out in no time, and I look forward to seeing some of your shots!
