Operation Photo Rescue's Online Community

OPR Workshops => Difficult => Topic started by: Ausimax on February 09, 2009, 07:55:06 AM

Title: Fun of the fair
Post by: Ausimax on February 09, 2009, 07:55:06 AM
Would you like to give me your thoughts on this one please.



Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: glennab on February 09, 2009, 08:50:55 AM
Hi Max

Amazing (I typoed Amaxing – Freudian?  Probably just cheap fingers!  Still...) job.  I see just two things I'd tweak a bit more.  I think the horse, especially the neck, needs more contouring.  Right now it looks flat and in need of shading.  And there appears to be a bit of the blue gunk still showing in the little girl's pigtail on our left.  No other picks.  Looks great. (Adore that little girl's smile!  How could you not fall in love?)

Our front page this morning is covered with news and photos of the devastation in Australia.  It makes me cry.  I pray for all of you!  Your country is so beautiful.  It shouldn't be scarred so badly.  And the loss of life is astounding.  Terrifying.  I'm winging more love to our wonderful Aussies.

Many, many hugs!


One other observation and then I  need to hustle off to work.  I downloaded the original and duped the image.  Then set the dupe to multiply and backed way off the opacity.  You'd have to mask off everything else on that layer, but her face has much more depth.  Your call.  I didn't even notice it until I'd already posted and then realized that she looked just a tad blown out.  Details, details!
Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: TerryB on February 09, 2009, 09:16:28 AM
Hi Max:
Suggestion or two for you:
Create a 50% gray fill layer: New layer>Edit>Fill>50% Gray.  Change blending mode to Soft Light.
Paint on the layer with black & white to add shadows/highlights respectively using various-size brushes with varying opacity to get the subtle shadows/highlights to add a little more dimension/appearance of depth to the pony.

Here are a couple of very rough thought-starter images.  The gray image is the 50% gray fill with brush work.

Maybe give the sponge tool a try in desaturate mode to get rid of some of the yellow in the young lady's sweater...I thought she was a bit of a too-close match to the pony ;D


Hope this helps and hope you folks get the fire and water grief over with quickly.

Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: kiska on February 09, 2009, 09:29:37 AM
I bet that horse is white.
Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: Ausimax on February 11, 2009, 08:20:12 AM
Hi Folks,

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

Had some doubts about the horse. But I thought Hey!  You people drive on the wrong side of the road - who am I to say you can't have yellow horses? :funny:

I'm with Kiska, I figure it is gray/white.

Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: glennab on February 11, 2009, 09:03:17 AM
I'm not too familiar with horses, but aren't palomino horses about the color of the original?  I assumed that's what it was.

And, Max, I'd debate about who's driving on the wrong side of the road.  Bad enough you guys are upside down and get your days before we get ours, but dyslexic driving goes both ways, my pal!


Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: cmpentecost on February 11, 2009, 10:54:02 AM
Max, you did a beautiful job, especially on the horse.  I think you have the accurate color for the horse.

Great job!

Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: Tess (Tassie D) on February 11, 2009, 06:19:37 PM
You picked a fun one Max. I took the low res and did a black & white points on it. I can see a fringe of yellowish tassles? around the saddle blanket.

Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: Ausimax on February 11, 2009, 10:33:09 PM
Hi Tess,

In the hi-res it may be a fringe or it may just be staining, owing to my inability to successfully reproduce it, I'm afraid they will have to settle for the "no frills" version.

I will try and get this one and #22 home to you today, so they may catch the print run.

Title: Re: Fun of the fair
Post by: Tess (Tassie D) on February 12, 2009, 04:43:41 AM
Thanks Max, I got them and you did a wonderful job on them, thanks so much.