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How can I improve this pic?

Started by battleaxe, December 07, 2008, 08:47:31 PM

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Hello!  I am a newby to this restoration of pics.  Had played with some of my own but they were very minorly damaged.  Joined this site Dec 2nd .  I've selected a picture restoration that may be more than I could chew  :crazy:.   Should I start over again? I know I still have to somehow improve the clothes, and faces....Suggestions?



Welcome to OPR from Florida.

Can you post your work in progress?  It's easier to give you tips and tricks if we can see what you're up against.  Some of these images are so daunting.  I doubt that there's a one of us who hasn't felt as you do – that might be too badly damaged to continue.  Most times the rest of the OPR-sters can coach you through it.

I'm working on one that no one else wanted to do, so it became an "orphan," which means it's the last of a family's order and when it's completed the whole group can be QC'd and printed.  I've redone one face 5 or 6 times now – once again this evening – and it's quite apparent why it was an orphan.  Holy moley!  I'm not sure I'll ever get it to my satisfaction.  You're not alone!

You're in good company!


Glenna (aka GK)

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Hi Battleaxe,

Welcome to the forum from Amsterdam and thanks so much for posting your work!
You sure picked a hard one to start with but what an amazing job you have done!  This kind of damage is so hard to repair without making it look painted but you did just enough to preserve detail but not get the dreaded painted look. 

The only thing I would add is just a little more levels adjustment and then I would finish is it with a nice final clean up:  zoom in at 200% or so and smooth/clean out any spots, stains that are left.
(I used the desaturate sponge at 60% to clean up the walls a little but I think I overdid that one  ;D)

Great job!


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Hi Battleaxe,

You have done a great job bringing this one back and really great on restoring the clothes. I agree with Hannie on ways to improve it. The only thing I would change (you kept it on yours) would be to keep the date at the bottom.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Thank you, Glenna , Hanna and Margie. :hug:

Will take your advices.  So I take it the faces are okay as is?  That would be a relief . Will fix the lady with the glasses clothes. think she is wearing a vertically stripe shirt with a flower pin on it. and clean it up as Hanna suggests.  again  :hug:


Is this done?

Tried to fix the lady with the glasses clothes no joy, adjusted it so what I thought was a broach is no more. Did adjust l/h man's hand and clothes a bit. desaturated as Hanna suggested.  The faces looked too unreal when I tried to adjust them, so didn't. Did a level adjustment of overall pic...... :-\ So can I pass this along?



I'd written you a synopsis at lunchtime at work, and it all went away when my time ran out.  I'll try to remember what I'd seen that might be tweaked.  I would definitely make an attempt to get the broach back on the lady in gold.  It may have some significance for her, and though you don't have any detail, you can give an impression.  I think the two faces on our left need some consistency of color.  The woman has dark splotches on her cheek that are especially noticeable.

I did my usual color correction and got quite a different palette from yours.  I think the man on our right is wearing medium gray pants, rather than blue.  I started with your original.  The other thing I'd do is try even the colors in the clothing of the two men.  I see quite a disparity in several places.

This is my color correction:

Most of this is relatively small stuff and wouldn't take long to adjust.  My picks aside, I think you did a fine job on a pretty gnarly original.


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Thanks GK,
  Will make the changes


Here is another try! ;D  

Thanks for your help so far


I borrowed the original and it was a doozy.  You've come so very far!!  I'm impressed.




Really great job on this bear.  Your second iteration is fantastic. I think you nailed the color correction.

I see only two things at which I'd take another shot: the woman in the striped blouse appears to be wearing t-strap Mary Janes.  In the original they nearly mirror each other.  In the restoration, somehow her left shoe got lost in the shuffle.  And I think the woman in dark blue needs to have her dress more detailed where the tucks are and smoother and darker at the bottom. I'd go back to something similar to what you did in the first go-round.

Kudos and cheers!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Is this the one to go home?

Thanks for your help.  I don't know why but I am having trouble seeing my trouble areas like the partial foot etc...


 :wnw:  Do you feel like you're losing family? 

Tess (Tassie D)

Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Beautiful job.  The family should be thrilled!
