Operation Photo Rescue's Online Community

Volunteer Planet => The Tool Bar => Topic started by: Kenny on October 28, 2006, 11:03:46 AM

Title: We're in the home stretch on this round!
Post by: Kenny on October 28, 2006, 11:03:46 AM
We're down to 61 images between Mike and Becky. The end of this round is so close I can smell it! I know there are lots of you chomping at the bit to get the new batch (as I am).

Hang in there! Those of us who are attempting to do these last ones need your help now more than ever. I need you guys' eyes to help me make sure I'm going in the right direction on my projects.

Just because you may not be working on an image right now doesn't mean you're not doing anything. It means a lot to me personally to have people looking at my worklog and offering advice and criticism.

I know there are lots of you who don't post because you don't feel comfortable posting on a message board. Maybe you've never posted on one before. I was the same way a few years back when I started frequenting various message boards. I didn't want to look like a "noob" so I was hesitant to make my first post. But, look at me now! I'm as chatty on these things as you can get. 

Try it out! After you post a new topic, or reply to an old one, you can always edit your post if you make a mistake. There's a little Modify button that appears in the upper right hand corner of your own posts so you can modify them at any time.

Anyway, time for me to get to work, I just received a new image to work on. I'll be posting it in my worklog shortly for you all to look at and offer advice. Lord knows I need it :P

Kenny  :)
Title: Re: We're in the home stretch on this round!
Post by: OPRAng on October 28, 2006, 08:41:24 PM
Thank you! Great message!
Title: Re: We're in the home stretch on this round!
Post by: glennab on October 28, 2006, 11:43:00 PM
Kenny, you're right on.  I've never been on a forum before and was quite intimidated at first.  Obviously I got over that!

But I want to reinforce what you said about people who aren't actually working on restorations being an invaluable resource for the rest of us with suggestions and feedback.  There's so much wisdom and talent in this crowd, and the more we share information, the easier it'll be to find the best ways to accomplish top-notch restorations.

Fresh eyes are often able to catch things that have gotten by the restorer.  Forest, trees, you know the drill.  Jump in and share your knowledge.  I know it's gotten me through several tough ones, and I appreciate the input more than I can express!