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An update on glennab's Nikon experience

Started by glennab, May 06, 2008, 09:06:09 AM

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I wanted to share this with you, because so many of you are photographers, and I'm STILL a wannabe and thought this would give you a chuckle.  Here's the scenario:

Glenna gets beautiful little Nikon point & shoot with lots of bells & whistles.

Glenna reads instruction book, realizes how complicated camera is and puts book and camera back in box.

Glenna realizes this is stupid, so gets camera out, takes picture of lap, feet, a couple of cats, scurvy house and granddaughter at softball game with purple tongue (long story)

Glenna and Lon go to visit younger daughter and family in Oldsmar and actually remember to take camera.

Glenna takes 2 photos and gets "out of memory" message because memory card is STILL IN BOX at home.

Glenna later pops in memory card and formats it, hence losing the few photos that were in the camera to begin with.

Glenna puts camera back in box.


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Do I dare to tell you your story made me laugh?  Thanks for the chuckle, but I hope your next "photo op" experience turns out better!



The story sounds familiar Glenna, even the simplest digital cameras can be daunting, I've been using mine for 4 years and still can't remember what to do at times.

Best advice I can give is to take it out into the garden one day and just take pictures, start off using the auto mode, the camera will work it all out for you ( like a box Brownie), then try in program mode that gives you more control and play with that for a while.

Then go and read the manual again, the manual will seem like its written in a foreign language until you use the camera a bit and start to fiddle with the buttons, after you have done that the manual slowly starts to make sense.

Have Fun.

Wisdom is having a well considered opinion .... and being smart enough to keep it to yourself!     MJS

"Life" is what happens while you are planning other things!



Sorry Glenna.  I am sure it was not as funny to you as to me.  As a teacher in the technical field, I have to admit that we do a pretty poor job teaching design of human-machine interface.  Unfortunately, the market did not reward better designs (Mac vs. PC, need I say more).

You might still have a chance to resuscitate your photos by pulling the memory card out of the camera.  The Nikon P&S I used completely hid the internal memory when the SD card was inserted.  And that included hiding it from formating.  When the SD card was removed, it returned back to the same state before the SD card was inserted.

BTW, would you write about your Wacom tablet?

Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6


Glenna, I was thinking of you and your Nikon today and wandering how things were working out for you.
I also had to laugh at your story, you make it sound so funny!  I agree with Max, just use the Easy auto mode and start shooting those photos.  Don't wait for an occasion but just take pictures of everything in the house, hubby, garden, sky, take pictures in the dark, takes pictures with lots of backlight, close ups.  Just go crazy and don't worry about composition or lighting conditions, Nikon will do that for you!

You will not believe this but as I was typing this UPS just delivered my little point and shoot, how about that for coincidence!

As I am getting older I also lost the willingness to read manuals from front to back the way I did when I was younger so I opted for the Canon Ixus 970IS (PowerShot SD890 IS).  It is a newer version of the same camera I used in South Africa (Ixus V2) but with the same user-friendliness.
I wanted a camera small enough to carry around every day in my purse and still be able to take a decent photo.

Glenna, I hope you will get used to your camera soon, don't worry, it won't take as long as you think!


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


The reason I posted this was because it IS funny, so don't feel badly about laughing!

I haven't given up on the camera, and I'll get it out once I'm back in the mood.  I have some more glorious plants blooming in the yard that will need to be recorded.  Because we really didn't have a winter, my frangipani is blooming early.  Once the leaves fill out, it'll be photo-worthy.  And the grandkids are always worth capturing.  Shujen, I hope I can retrieve the few photos I did take by removing the memory card.  That would be great, because one thing I photographed was a pair of red (really burgundy) shoes I wore to my granddaughter's softball game with my OPR t-shirt.  I'd forgotten I had them.  Still need to get REALLY RED ones, though, or I'll feel out of uniform!

Right now my life is in such an uproar that I just try to laugh at everything.  Otherwise I'd go nuts!  My house is a construction site, because we're replacing the entire front cathedral ceiling with tongue-and-groove planks fitted between huge beams (and by we, I mean Lon & me, each with serious back issues and 60+ years old.  This isn't going to be a rush job! Many naps have to be taken between bouts of furious activity.).  There is junk everywhere, we're too pooped from work most of the time to stand on ladders and nail up wood, and anything nice I put out becomes the most desirable thing upon which the cats feel the need to barf.  After a while it all becomes a joke.  When we get back to the house from going out, the first thing Lon says as we pull into the driveway is "No matter how crumbled, there's no place like home!"

And as a consequence of all of the above, Shujen, I refuse to discuss my Wacom tablet.  The phrase of the moment for that is cat claws, cat fur and a dearth of space.  This, too, shall pass!  I have a PLAN!


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Shujen, you're the best!  I took out the memory card and was able to download the photos I'd already taken.  A sad lot, but I'll share one with you – the ugliest red shoes in the world (and the most comfortable and the closest to OPR standard that I have right now).  I think this REALLY demonstrates my potential as a professional photographer. Whoo hoo!

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)

Tess (Tassie D)

Hang in there Glenna. It wont be long and you'll be marvelling at how easy it is. :)
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Glenna, nice composition! Lighting and white balance also quite good, depth of field could have been a bit better tho :funny:


Hi Glenna,

I think you need a color adjustment.  Your shoes don't look quite as red as mine are!




Good job recovering the hidden photos.  The shoes were well focused.  The color was not bad either  :funny:

Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6


Tess, Vicki and Chris

Thanks for the encouragement and the critique.  I shall start taking notes.

Shujen, great color correction!  Now they look not only closer to our OPR standard but also orange-ish enough to coordinate with  the Welcome Guide-Maps I work on every day! (They're still the ugliest shoes in the world, but that's MY standard!)

It's been fun sharing my usual predictable battle with technology and getting your reactions.  I promise I'll get my little Nikon jewel out again soon and start playing.  It's too wonderful to leave in the drawer for long!



What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pine

(Photoshop CS5 /Mac Pro)


Ok guys, you see shujen's shoes as red?  I see them as more orange.  New monitor, do I need to adjust?

This is red on my 'puter, not bright like a childs room but red crimson. or red like the color in the word red. 


Technically, the RGB values I used were 253, 43, 1.  Relatively speaking, it is more red than orange.
Shujen Chen
Windows 10, Photoshop CS6

Tess (Tassie D)

lol now we will all see how different everyone's monitor is. I see more orange than red.  :funny:
Tess Cameron
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]