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My latest

Started by Pat, May 05, 2011, 11:06:01 AM

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Hi Everyone,

This little guy is my latest from Tess's gallery. 

My first concern is that the shape /configuration of his shirt particularly on the left side as you are looking at him looks just plain weird.  I can't decide if it's due to the angle of the shot or maybe I'm not recognizing photo damage? 

Another concern is that I find the apparent size difference of his two eyes very disconcerting.  I don't think there is anything I can do about that though because I have not altered the size of either of his eyes.  I'm figuring that is due to the angle of the shot?  Thanks, Pat




"Take a deep breath and think of the three things you are grateful for, right in this moment."  -MJ Ryan Author



Great job! I see what you mean in both cases, but that is how the photo shows. The shirt looks distorted, but I see no evidence where damage made his one shoulder broader.

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


The shirt looks fine to me, it is all bunched up and hard to tell what is what.  I do think the little red and yellow blobs are part of a pattern but it would be impossible to get those right.  How you fixed it looks very good!
The eyes in the original are strange but that is how it came out.  It may be that of part of the "smaller" eye looks that way because part of the iris is blown out?

Great job,

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


Thanks Margie, and Hannie for your help.  It's appreciated!

"Take a deep breath and think of the three things you are grateful for, right in this moment."  -MJ Ryan Author