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how do I get the right resolution for sending a completed project

Started by jesterjeni, August 28, 2010, 09:06:10 PM

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When you have finished your photo, flatten and save as a jpg at 300 dpi at quality 10
I just purchased photoshop cs5 and I have no idea how to accomplish this??



Every photo in the galleries should have their resolution already set at 300 dpi, so unless you changed when opening and saving the file; it should stay at 300. In order to not have the quality change with many revisions; it pays to save your work from a jpg to a psd and then you can work with layers and saving. When you are finished, you will flatten--that is if your are working with layers. Save your original and then do a 2nd copy as a "Save As" with a .psd extension so that you can have your work in progress to use. Once you are finished,  flatten you files by using the pull down on the layer menu and picking "flatten." If your finished file is a .psd, then do a  "Save As but on your pull down you will have the choice of what kind of file: psd, tiff, jpg, etc. Pick jpg and go no lower that Quality 10 when the 2nd screen comes up. Before you send, you can look at the pull down menu at the top on Image and check image size and make sure that your resolution is 300 and your size matches what is on the extension. You will also want your extension to match what was on the original.

I see that you have CS5, but how familiar are you with Photoshop and working with layered files? Also, getting some PS book, videos, and NAPP will help you become more familiar. Those will also help you in setting your preference. The Forum is great for help in restoring, but the others will get you up to speed on CS5. Hope that helps.


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Hi Jesterjeni,

Margie explained it very well, there are some excellent tutorials on the net also.
The link below has some video tuts and the first one shows you all you want to know about saving files in Photoshop.
Just about any subject you can find a tutorial about it on the Internet, Adobe's help section also explains the use of all the available tools. 

Good luck,


Forgot the link, here it is!

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]