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ShepherdB21_7 Review

Started by Rbm, October 30, 2012, 03:54:17 PM

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Here is the last of the Shepherd wedding photos.  What else do I need to do to this one?


Mike S.

Hello Richard,

The photo looks very very nice.  You have done an incredible amount of great work on it.   I have two things you might want to look at 1)  the bridesmaid has a thinner leg on the left looking at the picture and 2) the groom has some discoloration on his forehead which tapers down near both ears.   The discoloration shows up in picture # 6 also so maybe that is the way it should be.
See below:

Mike S.


I agree with Mike.

Also, the front of the dress looks a little too bright and we need some shadows to anchor the feet to the floor.

Create a New Layer and set it to Soft Light. Use a big soft brush set at about 33 percent Opacity and Flow and brush over the bright part of the skirt in one stroke (so there are no overlapping streaks). Reset the Brush size to a medium size to put a broader shadow around their feet and the bottom of the bride's skirt. Make the brush fairly small and increase the Opacity and Flow to 55% and carefully stroke a tight shadow right on the edge of the shoes.

Amazing job on a ridiculously difficult picture, Richard. Bravo.



Hi Richard,

You are either a hero or a masochist---or both? Just kidding! There is another fun thing  >:D you can do with her dress you might like to try? On the previous wedding photo 21-6 that you did for this family, you could use that restore to help this one. Open the 21-6 restore photo and with the lasso tool make a selection of the gown from the waist down. Do a Ctrl J which will put that selection on its own layer. Now with this current photo open, drag the layer from the other photo you just did on your current photo---make sure that it goes to the top of the layer stack. Move the selection in place and to size it, you can hit Ctrl T which will do a transform and you can use the handles on the corner to size and if you move your cursor out you can also rotate. Should you want to do more i.e. a warp, etc. you will need to make that transform selection from Edit>Transform menu bar. When you get your selection where you like, do a mask to hide all and then paint back in the parts you want. I think your other restore will look better on how the gown lays, especially on your left side which I think should not curve in so much.

I know it is a lot easier to give advice than do this one.  ;) You have done a remarkable job on both of these photos!!!

"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]



On this new version I tried to add all the suggestions from Mike, Bambi and Margie.



 :wnw: Amazing restoration, Richard. You put a lot of hard work and devotion into these pictures. Just beautiful!



Bob, this looks great! Just as a suggestion to see whether you like the results, try this one:

Duplicate your background layer and then on the 2nd layer, go to the tool bar and pick what looks like a teardrop and choose the "blur tool."  With it go lightly over the lace at the bottom of the bride's gown.

I like the effect this will give---see what you think.

Great Job!


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Hey Margie,

Is this what you wanted to see.  Too much blur?  Not enough?



Hi Richard,

Yes, this is great! I felt like it needed a little of the sharpness taken out and this did the trick.


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]

Mike S.

Good morning Richard,

You have done an incredible piece of work on this one.  Well done!

Mike S.



Thanks for the help Mike and Bambi and Margie.  I will mark this one FINISHED and return to Bambi.

Think Snow!