Monday, December 16th, 2024

Restoring Photos from the Moore, Oklahoma Tornado


Photos found from the Moore, OK  tornado. Photo Courtesy: Mark Zimmerman

Operation Photo Rescue (OPR) is gearing up to help residents of Moore, OK that were hit by an EF-5 tornado on May 210, 2013. Our first priority is not to hamper the clean up and give families time to locate their belongings. Because of the large number of photos that have been displaced, we will be working with groups that collect and house the lost photos to a central location for claiming. OPR will be there for those needing their photos restored.  We are lucky to have local OPR volunteers on the ground to offer assistance. Anyone with questions, please send inquiries to: [email protected]

Homepage Photo Courtesy: FEMA photographer Jocelyn Augustino

Below are helpful instructions for water damaged photos to prevent further deterioration.



5 Responses to “Restoring Photos from the Moore, Oklahoma Tornado”
  1. Tori says:

    Glad to know efforts are underway to help.

  2. Sue Ruzgis says:

    I think you guys are incrediable! What a wonderful service you provide. To preserve precious memories to survivors of disasters and in doing so provide visual legacies for generations to come is something a worth could not possibly be assigned to. I have been fortunate enough not to have needed your service, but that you are there for others warms my heart.
    Whenever asked what I would try to save in a disaster my answer is always the same. First my pets, then my pictures.
    Karma is watching you and she is smiling. <3

  3. Deb Dennant says:

    I think it is incredible what you guys are doing. I am more than happy to help at no cost if you need an extra restorer. Although I live in the UK, I’m sure any images could emailed and I am happy to help out.

  4. Audrey Kogut says:

    Does anyone know of a person or company that is restoring pictures that were destroyed by Storm Sandy Free.. I believe picture is mom’s high school or graduation picture as well as pictures of when she was little and pictures of her sister when she was little (sister passed away in a plane crash in 1972 I believe the year is….) Please is getting green mold spots on it… Mom lost all her family furniture etc. Today June 10th is her 72 birthday and is blind in her right eye and has problems seeing with her other eye.. I really want her to have these pictures restored for her… Can anyone help please in
    box me…

  5. Margie says:

    Audrey, we would love to help you. We are a nonprofit and do not charge to have photos restored. Please contact me at mhayes@operationphotorescue and we can get you some help. Let me know your location so that I can see if we have a volunteer in your area. Thanks.