Plans for Hummelstown, PA
Operation Photo Rescue (OPR) is making plans to travel to Hummelstown,PA in the spring of 2012 to help residents whose photos were damaged by Tropical Storm Lee in September of last year. Anyone in the surrounding area with damaged photos is encouraged to bring them to the William H & Marian C Alexander Family Library in Hummelstown,PA on April 6-7, 2012.
Hours of operation will be:
- Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Photos brought to the library need to be dry and removed from picture frames or albums. Those photos that cannot be extracted will still be copied, but the quality may suffer. Photos that are stuck together can be separated by soaking, but should first be tested on a corner to see if the emulsion is stable enough to soak. Further instructions are are available on FEMA’s Website.
We are fortunate to have OPR volunteer, Katherine Arline, in Hershey, PA as our local contact. Because of the extensive flooding in Pennsylvania it was hard to pick the best location to have the copy
run. Thanks goes to Laurie Lane of The Dauphin County Library System for making the recommendation of the library meeting room in Hummelstown.
In the coming months we will be sending out press releases and flyers to announce our copy run. More information will be in our newsletter, Website, and on Facebook. So often at copy runs we hear locals tell us they didn’t know until the last minute about our coming and had they known they would have told their friends.
We are going all out this time to spread the word, but the greatest help will come from those of you who contact your friends and family via social media.
OPR is currently fundraising to help with the expenses of the trip to Hummelstown and also a return trip to Joplin, MO in May. We realize that times are tough now and money is short, but if you can spare a few dollars, please help:
For more information contact:
For a print ready flier to share and pass out “Download Here.”
Katherine Arline [email protected] (Hershey)
Margie Hayes [email protected]
Special Thanks: Mark Pynes, Director of Photography at The Patriot-News
Photo Credits: Christine Baker, Sean Simmers, and Chris Knight at The Patriot-News
Margie Hayes ( OPR President)
A print-ready flyer that you can post in your church, business or school to help spread the word is available for download here:
I have been a wedding photographer for 20 yrs. I would like to volunteer my time, how can I do that?
Hi Sherry, I have sent you an email with a link to sign up as a volunteer.
I am not an expert at photo restorations but I am pretty darn good and would like to help out. Please let me know if digital images can be sent to me for restoration.
Linda, we would love to have you join and here is the link to sign up on our website: