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Photoshop fail

Started by seekingoz, March 31, 2013, 03:43:09 PM

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I think we've all seen those overdone PS images where body parts just aren't right. Well, as I worked on this image I suddenly ran into that problem. The man with the Bauer shirt doesn't seem to have any legs and doesn't seem to be sitting on anything! :funny: 

I've been working on this for weeks...doing a bit at a time...and this suddenly became very apparent in the last couple of days.

I could use some new perspective on this photo...and that man, in particular.

Thanks! Judy




Hi Judy,

There doesn't seem to be a lot of information to be found in all that damage.  I think maybe you can see just a bit of the Bauer man's pants although most is hidden by the guy sitting in the chair to the side of him.  Something like this?



"Take a deep breath and think of the three things you are grateful for, right in this moment."  -MJ Ryan Author


Thanks so much Pat. That helps a lot. Sometimes you look so long, you stop seeing.
