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Finney Baby

Started by david_gr, December 14, 2011, 11:38:54 AM

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This seemed pretty straightforward.  What do you folks think?





Hi David,

It looks like your after still has a color cast. Could you paste in a different link from Photobucket, by using the very last one. That way your photos would show up in you post.


"carpe diem"

Margie Hayes
OPR President
[email protected]


Margie and David, I fixed the links to Photobucket.

I agree with Margie that there still is a color cast, after you do the levels adjustments in R, G and B you will find that there are still some stains on the wall.

Great job so far!


Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


I agree that there's still a color cast in this one.
However in Hannie's version I think there's too much blue in it, the girl's face seems to lean towards 0b or even -6b (measured in LAB; that means there's either no yellow or blue or if there is, the face is more blue than yellow).

That's why I tried to correct the image only taking into account the color of the face.
To correct it, I used a curves adj. layer in "Color" mode, moved the end points in each channel towards the middle (just touching the histogram) and in the blue channel added some blue to her face.
Next I also added contrast to the image with another curves adj. layer set to "Luminosity" mode this time and added contrast to the green channel (which seemed to look best for this particular image).

Attached are screenshots of my version & the color curves I used.

Best regards,


That's right Jonas, mine also has too much red.  This is not an easy photo to color correct!
I feel your version has a little too much yellow in the whites?

Hannie Scheltema
Distribution Coordinator
[email protected]


You're right, if the whites are really white, they're too yellow in my version (now that sounds simple and clear  :crazy:)
Fortunately this is easily fixed with the white eyedropper:

I guess the main "problem" here is that you have to use multiple sample points and watch out for (un-) natural colors along the way and correct them if needed.
Best regards,


Here is what I have done in response to your comments and suggestions.

I tend to agree with Hannie's version with the stronger blues.  I think the baby's dress is more of a blue.  To clean up the background, I sampled a spot and painted the rest in to remove the damage.  I don't think I am taking too much away from the original? I guess the baby has a strip of ribbon or paper in her hand?

Thanks so much for the help with this.

:)  David Gr

PS I hope I got the link right this time.